Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The day I was almost lynched (2)

 The day I was almost lynched (2)

                 Last week Saturday I was on the streets of Ibadan preaching the gospel House to house. I entered a street, I began to witness, I witnessed to an old man, he accepted the gospel with joy, asked questions and was willing to repent from known sins as we prayed prayer of commitment together. Immediately after witnessing the gospel I saw a teenager playing with his phone. I walked towards him and began to communicate the gospel with him. Unknown to me that some group of women about seven saw me. One of them who claimed to be the mother of the teenager I was witnessing to came and took the boy away. He said the boy did not need to hear the word of God. I was simply dumbfounded before I knew what was happening she had instigated other women against me that I am a  kidnapper who had come in the guise of a pastor. Within minutes all the women went out to pick up their wards inside. I left there and move to the other street. I saw children about five playing, I joined them and witnessed the gospel to them. Unknown to me that the women from the other street were following me, they disrupted the gospel and forced me out of their area with shouts:" thief!" "Kidnapper!" As I was leaving, men had mobbed me desiring to know my mission in their area, I explained and to my amazement they believed my report and I walked away peacefully without anyone touching me while the woman that led the revolt was still shouting he is a kidnapper get him. I was not discouraged I moved on to another place and declare the gospel and to my surprise again the word of God broke the man's heart and accepted the gospel. From there again I moved to a shop and witnessed the word to two Jehovah witnesses and they also accepted the gospel. 

               Devil hate the gospel and he is in the business of frustrating God's servant. He knows the word of God cannot be frustrated but he can do all he can to frustrate carrier of the gospel. As an Evangelist or witness do not be discouraged even if you are called negative names for gospel sake still go ahead and preach the gospel. The gospel is the light of God in a dark world. No matter the rage of darkness, it can not overcome the light of the gospel. #100billionsoulsforChrist

Abolanle Oladipupo 

2nd December 2020

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