Monday, November 30, 2020

The day I was almost lynched (1)

  The day I was almost lynched (1)

                 On a sunny Saturday sometimes in 2009. I set out to evangelise in Ago Iwoye Town. I was moving from house to house and I came to a house met a group of people about five outside their house relaxing, I plead with them to share the gospel with them and they accepted with joy. I declared the gospel in its power. They were blessed, unknown to me there was a man inside hearing all what I was saying. He came with force and anger ranting: "Why should you say that we should stop serving idols and start worshiping Jesus" I did not utter a word, when he discovered that I did not respond. He raised his voice insinuating crowd against me. Before the crowd could get there I had tip toed forward. The crowd had gathered, looking for the preacher that told them to stop worshipping idols.

                  Christ have not called us to argue the gospel with anyone but to declare it. Had I argued with the man I might not be alive to tell the story. Evangelists and soul winners need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit for them to have a fruitful soul winning exercise. The Holy Spirit is the soul winner and we need to cooperate with him in discharging our duties of witnessing to others or we may get into trouble. God's work done in God's way never lack support and power

Abolanle Oladipupo

30th November 2020

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