Wednesday, November 11, 2020



                  Jezebel is a beautiful name that means chastity but the role played by Jezebel the wife of Ahab made the name to be associated with lust, seduction, pride, manipulation, deceit and wickedness. Elijah reputed to be one of the most powerful Prophets that ever lived fled away from her. Why? The best approach to attack seduction is to flee away from it.

           Jezebel controlled over eight hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and made them do her will. She silenced all the prophet's except Elijah who dared her but only to later ran away when she threatened to kill her. She was powerful and ruled behind the throne of Northern Israel during Ahab's reign. She was simply a god that could get "anything" she wanted and people dreaded her.Her atrocities were so great like the killing of Naboth who could not forfeit his father's inheritance for Ahab. She was a reference point of evil in her generation and the evil she did even lived after her.she singlehandedly ruined the political career of her husband. God had to anoint Jehu specially to get rid of her. It takes a Jehu anointing to get rid of Jezebel.

               Hundreds of years later, God is rebuking the church of Thyatira for tolerating Jezebel in their midst. This Jezebel was a powerful person either male or female controlling, manipulating and seducing the leadership of the church into doing evil. The evil may not be sexual immorality. It can be favoritism, prejudices and politicizing the church system for their selfish gains. The Jezebels do not see anything wrong in their doings, it is a normal thing to them and they derive joy in it. They can do anything to remain in control of the church even if it will take wasting of lives.God was not happy with them because they refuse to repent. This act invoked God's wrath and warned of impending danger if the Jezebel refuse to change.

                  Jezebels are everywhere today, they are in church, schools, governments and every facet of life. Their roles are to manipulate and control the leadership of the organization for their own selfish gains and interests which is usually at the detriment of others. As a leader it is your duty to recognize the activities of Jezebels in your organization and refuse to be under their control. You belong to everyone and not to a person or group of people. Jezebels mission are to ruin organizations for their own betterment. To tolerate a Jezebel is to sit on a gun powder. Get the Jezebel out before he gets you out or render you incapacitated. 

            The pastor of the church in Thyatira came under serious rebuke for tolerating Jezebel in the church. As a leader you are responsible for all that happen in your domain. Take responsibility, act, and flush out that Jezebel before he get you out of your position. Jezebels are not easy to get out because they have tentacles in all the units of an organization. Attempt to get them out by force may get you into crises  if you do not carry Christ along. Remember that it took a Jehu anointing to get rid of Jezebel. To get a Jezebel out tarry in the LORD's presence until you get the "Jehu anointing" that waste Jezebels. After getting the power you launch out and get rid of that Jezebel. God will not do it for you, you have to act and confront that Jezebel in prayer and corresponding actions. 

Abolanle Oladipupo 

11th November, 2020 

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