Wednesday, November 25, 2020



            Each time I read the account of the disciples sent on mission to preach the gospel. It marveled me. Especially the part devil was falling like lightning. As I was meditating on the verse then it dawned on me nine years ago when I stormed the popular Ago Iwoye five day Market with members of the Evangelism School Ago Iwoye. I preached Christ on that afternoon and the power of God was on me beyond measure. Something spectacular happened as I was preaching the gospel, three middle aged women came from nowhere as if they disappeared into my presence. I was not bothered, I kept on preaching the Christ and they knelt down and bowed down three times right there in front of where I was preaching and left Immediately while I continued declaring the gospel.

Years after the Holy Spirit told me that these are the power and principalities that controlled the land. They have just come to surrender and bow to the power of the most high God.

           Power pass power. Even witches and kingdom of darkness trembled at God's presence. As a child of God you carries God's presence and witches are meant to tremble at your sight. There is a problem with the salvation of a Christian that tremble at the sight of witches and agent of darkness. The Holy Spirit lives in you and he is greater than all the forces of darkness in this world. Do not dabble into anything that will make God's presence depart from you. His presence in your life will drive darkness away from you and his agents will fall like lightning before you. 

Abolanle Oladipupo

25th November


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