Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The situation of Nigeria seems to be getting bad by the day, today mark the 59th independence anniversary but Nigeria is still crawling among nations like China, India, Bahama,that they got independence together. Nigeria is the 6th producer of oil in the world, blessed with mineral resources, fertile land for farming and most populous black nation with a population estimate of 200 million, life expectancy of 54.5, GDP of $397.270billion,27th largest economy in the world in terms of nominal GDP, Nigeria as large as his population so is her problem which can be summarized into two: leadership and corruption.
Since independence good leadership has eluded the country, it seems the foundation of the country was laid in such a way that the wrong people will be governing the affairs of this nation. The situation of this nation became worst right from the first military coup in 1966, the military came into power with the motive that politicians are corrupt but Nigeria suffer so much in the hands of military dictatorship and their frequent coup plotting to overtake democratic rule had not bettered the lot of this nation. The emergence of democracy 20 years ago seemed to be a breakthrough until the hope was dashed in 2015.the country got into recession and till now the situation keeps getting worst. Corruption in Nigeria is so organized that it has eaten up all the sectors in Nigeria and it is retarding economy growth. No thanks to insurgencies which raised her ugly head in 2009 and the book haram group are now the second deadliest terrorist group in the world. The herdsmen and recently bandits have made Nigeria to become an unsafe place. At 59, Nigeria cannot boast of uninterrupted power supply, good network of roads and other social amenities. The unemployment rate is alarming, there is brain drain in all the sectors as there are mass exit of professionals to Europe, America to seek greener pasture. The country has no plan for her teeming youth population that is characterized with internet fraud, financial crimes, money rituals and so on. Last week top army staff said tackling Boko haram insurgency require spiritual approach. All these situations affirmed that there seems to be no hope in Nigeria.
In the midst of these entire situation, there is still hope in Nigeria. This may not make sense considering the picture that has been painted. There is hope in Nigeria if our leaders and the entire nation return to God .God is able to heal our land, visit the foundation of Nigeria and make dry bones alive again. It is only God factor that can make Nigeria great again and bring out hope out of hopeless situation. For Nigeria to be great, we all have a role to play, a better Nigeria start from me and you. A change start from me and you when we are willing to confess positivity in the midst of negativity and live uprightly.
God bless Nigeria! Happy independence anniversary.

Abolanle Oladipupo