Monday, November 30, 2020

The day I was almost lynched (1)

  The day I was almost lynched (1)

                 On a sunny Saturday sometimes in 2009. I set out to evangelise in Ago Iwoye Town. I was moving from house to house and I came to a house met a group of people about five outside their house relaxing, I plead with them to share the gospel with them and they accepted with joy. I declared the gospel in its power. They were blessed, unknown to me there was a man inside hearing all what I was saying. He came with force and anger ranting: "Why should you say that we should stop serving idols and start worshiping Jesus" I did not utter a word, when he discovered that I did not respond. He raised his voice insinuating crowd against me. Before the crowd could get there I had tip toed forward. The crowd had gathered, looking for the preacher that told them to stop worshipping idols.

                  Christ have not called us to argue the gospel with anyone but to declare it. Had I argued with the man I might not be alive to tell the story. Evangelists and soul winners need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit for them to have a fruitful soul winning exercise. The Holy Spirit is the soul winner and we need to cooperate with him in discharging our duties of witnessing to others or we may get into trouble. God's work done in God's way never lack support and power

Abolanle Oladipupo

30th November 2020

Wednesday, November 25, 2020



            Each time I read the account of the disciples sent on mission to preach the gospel. It marveled me. Especially the part devil was falling like lightning. As I was meditating on the verse then it dawned on me nine years ago when I stormed the popular Ago Iwoye five day Market with members of the Evangelism School Ago Iwoye. I preached Christ on that afternoon and the power of God was on me beyond measure. Something spectacular happened as I was preaching the gospel, three middle aged women came from nowhere as if they disappeared into my presence. I was not bothered, I kept on preaching the Christ and they knelt down and bowed down three times right there in front of where I was preaching and left Immediately while I continued declaring the gospel.

Years after the Holy Spirit told me that these are the power and principalities that controlled the land. They have just come to surrender and bow to the power of the most high God.

           Power pass power. Even witches and kingdom of darkness trembled at God's presence. As a child of God you carries God's presence and witches are meant to tremble at your sight. There is a problem with the salvation of a Christian that tremble at the sight of witches and agent of darkness. The Holy Spirit lives in you and he is greater than all the forces of darkness in this world. Do not dabble into anything that will make God's presence depart from you. His presence in your life will drive darkness away from you and his agents will fall like lightning before you. 

Abolanle Oladipupo

25th November


"Evangelist are you still on fire"?

         "Evangelist are you still on fire" ?

               Some years back at the university one of the lecturers who had left the school and returned for a visit saw me on campus. He was very happy and out of anxiety he screamed Evangelist are you still on fire? For a moment I paused, pondered on the question and I replied him I am on fire.

             That question are you still on fire? Keep ringing on my mind till today? Truly there are evangelists. Many started hot for God and could go anywhere to preach the gospel. The passion for souls was burning in them and they were thirsty for souls. Everyone in the neighborhood know them. If they are not on the streets witnessing to souls, they are on their knees praying for souls but suddenly complacency sets in. One of the greatest problems is not sin or pleasure or comfort but the major problem is discouragement. The evangelist is usually seen as the "strong one". Nobody cares to check on him or ask about his welfare or wellbeing. People easily forget that evangelists too are humans with blood running in their veins. I could remember as an Evangelist in the church and the pastor called me aside. He scolded me if you are really working the population of the church should have increased by now. I felt bad on that day, no words of appreciation and all I could say was that I will work on it. I went to my closet and expressed my concerns to God. God answered my prayers, the following week people that have witnessed Christ to started calling me that they wanted to attend my church and gradually the church began to grow numerically. As an Evangelist if you must ever be on fire, you must know and learn how to encourage yourself when you are downcast or when things does not work out as you expect.

                     An evangelist that will ever be on fire must know when to retreat. There are times you have to retreat so that you can stay alive to conquer greater battles. An evangelist that will ever be on fire must not fight to finish. Take a break and during that break, study the word of God and pray fervently. It is in God's presence that you will be refresh and empower to do greater exploits.

                   An evangelist that will ever be on fire must stay within his ministry. An evangelist must be contented with his ministry. As an evangelist you don't have business in becoming a pastor just because of the privileges in pastoral ministry. As an evangelist do not turn yourself into a Prophet because you want people to give you prophetic offering. God's presence will not keep you in the ministry he has not called you into. God hates interruption into another man's ministry and this action can cost you your life or render you inactive because his grace will not keep you where he has not placed you. 

              Evangelist if you want to ever be on fire subject your body to discipline. Paul said he put his body under control so that at the end of the day he will not be a cast away. As an evangelist it's not every program they invite you to that you must attend. It is not every food you must eat. An evangelist that will ever be on fire must put his appetite on checks. Appetite for food, sex, pleasure must be on checks so that you will not become wild and unusable in God's hands.

                 The fire which is the power of God is on an evangelist. It is duty of an Evangelist to stay in God's presence at all times so that his fire can glow and stay burning for the LORD. The consecration of an Evangelist is very important, sin draw man from God's presence. If he do away with all that want to distract him and stay focus on Christ alone he will ever be on fire for God.

Abolanle Oladipupo

25th November, 2020 



              The gospel is the power of God for salvation. This verse may not make sense until you experience the power of the gospel. This remind me of an experience at Ago Iwoye in Ogun state as a student preaching the gospel from door to door about eleven years ago . On that particular day I had preached to several people before gotten to a particular young woman. In the process of preaching the gospel suddenly I discovered that my mouth became bitter. As I continued preaching the bitterness continued till I finished declaring the gospel. The lady got stuck and sobered till I left. I did not understand the meaning until now while reflecting on Romans 1: 16. The gospel is powerful and so many deliverances do take place in the process of declaring the word. Have God told you to witness to someone about him? Do not be afraid step out in faith and he will do the work through you. The gospel itself is a force at work in the lives of those who have yielded themselves as vessels to be used by God to change their world and no power on earth can stop the gospel of Christ. 

Abolanle Oladipupo

21st November 2020 

The Bus became a Bible study class


            God work in various ways and an evangelist need to be sensitive to the wavelength of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes this year I boarded a bus from Apata to Omi Adio. The Holy Spirit told me to witness in the bus, I was a bit reluctant because the bus was full to the brim and there was no ventilation. Since I was sure the Holy Spirit was leading me. I opened my mouth and declared the gospel.

              After the gospel declaration,A middle-aged man raised up his hand that he have a question. I told him to go ahead. He asked his question which was confidential and personal to him. At that moment I didn't know what to say because I didn't expect question. The Holy Spirit told me let people in the bus respond. Before I could respond, about 3 hands were already raised to answer him. To my surprise they answered him perfectly that I just have to affirm all what they have said. The man was happy and satisfied with the responses he received. 

               There are issues in the world and the gospel remain the answer to world's problems. I remain grateful for the opportunity to share the gospel in the bus and witnessing for the first time seeing a public transport becoming an interactive Bible study session.

Abolanle Oladipupo

21st November 2020 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020



                     The word of God is life and Spirit. It is by his word we are saved and for us to remain in him we must abide in his word till it become spirit and life in us. The word of God is not greater than his name. The word of God is his name. His word is powerful and sharper than two edged sword. The word of God should be like a rivers of water in us flowing from us to believers and non believers. For us to continually be a source of water to others we need to stay connected to our God which is the source. A river that forgets his source will surely dry

             The Apostle in his writings to the church said we should crave for the word of God like a new born baby crave for breast milk. (1 Peter 2:2) This verse will make more sense if you visit a nursing mother or opportune to be where a baby is being nurtured. New born Babies crave for milk zealously and aggressivel with maximum concentration. They will not take their mouths from the breast until they are satisfied. The moment they are hungry, they cried for the milk and suck again till they are satisfied. The craving is neccesary because the breast milk have natural nutrients that makes the child grow and boost his immunity against sickness and diseases. If we crave for the word of God the way new born babies crave for milk, we will grow to become like Christ in our thoughts, actions and behaviors. The word of God is the only sure weapon that can protect us from the tricks and snares of Satan.

                  Growing in Christ is a voluntary decision that requires great level of discipline to do away with every form of distractions that may want to hinder us from getting to study the word of God deeply. Studying the word of God may not be easy but you have to be strong and approach it as a matter of life and death. How? The word of God is life without the word of God you will die spiritually. If you do not want to die spiritually, you have to crave for the word of God like a baby daily. It is only by the word of God you can survive in this world. Without the word of God, sin will creep in and distant you from God. Prioritize the word of God in your life and you will be spiritually active, vibrant and radiating God's glory.

Abolanle Oladipupo

18th November 2020 


Friday, November 13, 2020

Is God your father


               The Lord's prayer begins with "Our father who hath in heaven". A good number of Christians and non Christians can recite this model prayer offhand. A critical look into the word father as used in the text will give us a better understanding of how to pray. The word father is translated from the greek word "pater" which means parent - father. This connotes that  father as used there means biologically related. An ideal father is committed to his children needs. A ideal father listen to his child, A ideal father protect, care and nurture his child.

                Many prayers are unanswered because God is not the father of those praying to him. If you are not related to God through Jesus Christ and separated from your sins. God will not listen to your prayer. He hears you but he is only committed to the needs of his children. God is light and all good things you may ever think of is from him but he is only committed to the needs of his children. The cannanite woman cried to Jesus for the deliverance of her daughter from demonic possession. Jesus replied " It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs" miracles, wonders, deliverance are inheritance of God's children.

          If God is your father, whatever you ask in his name he will do it for you and if he does not give you have a confidence that he desires what is best for you and he will give you in his own time. Prayer is meant to be a communication between us and God just like a father-child relationship. It is an aberration for you to use prayer as a tool to get God to do something for you.prayer is not meant to be a tool but a means of communication between a father and a child. That is why so many people resolve to other gods when their needs are not met. They are quick to forget that we are worshiping God for who he is. A child who ask his father for a gift and the father does not give him will not disfather him if truly he is his father. God know his children, his children also know him but Is God your father? 

Abolanle Oladipupo

13th November, 2020 



           Few years back while serving as a Children Pastor in a children church. I led them in pastoral prayer and I raised a prayer point that "Father do not let my debtors have peace until they pay all my debts". The children teachers began to pray fervently, the children also joined but behold a boy who drummed for us  changed the prayer point and prayed: "Father let my debtors have peace of mind so that they can pay all my debts" I was angry within me, tapped him from the back and told him why did he changed the prayer point and he explained "if he does not have rest of mind how will he be able to pay my debts". This didn't go well with me , I scolded him to pray the prayers as I raised it without altering it. 

    Few days later while meditating in my closet, The Holy Spirit told me expressly that you were wrong but the little boy was right. I was dumbfounded in the spirit and felt bad for scolding the little child that was right. Sometimes the reason why you are not getting answers to your prayers is that you are praying amiss.probably the reason Jesus's disciples beckoned on him to teach them how to pray. Whatever issues you are facing rely on the Holy Spirit to teach you on how to pray your way into breakthrough.

Abolanle Oladipupo

13th November, 2020 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020



                  Jezebel is a beautiful name that means chastity but the role played by Jezebel the wife of Ahab made the name to be associated with lust, seduction, pride, manipulation, deceit and wickedness. Elijah reputed to be one of the most powerful Prophets that ever lived fled away from her. Why? The best approach to attack seduction is to flee away from it.

           Jezebel controlled over eight hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and made them do her will. She silenced all the prophet's except Elijah who dared her but only to later ran away when she threatened to kill her. She was powerful and ruled behind the throne of Northern Israel during Ahab's reign. She was simply a god that could get "anything" she wanted and people dreaded her.Her atrocities were so great like the killing of Naboth who could not forfeit his father's inheritance for Ahab. She was a reference point of evil in her generation and the evil she did even lived after her.she singlehandedly ruined the political career of her husband. God had to anoint Jehu specially to get rid of her. It takes a Jehu anointing to get rid of Jezebel.

               Hundreds of years later, God is rebuking the church of Thyatira for tolerating Jezebel in their midst. This Jezebel was a powerful person either male or female controlling, manipulating and seducing the leadership of the church into doing evil. The evil may not be sexual immorality. It can be favoritism, prejudices and politicizing the church system for their selfish gains. The Jezebels do not see anything wrong in their doings, it is a normal thing to them and they derive joy in it. They can do anything to remain in control of the church even if it will take wasting of lives.God was not happy with them because they refuse to repent. This act invoked God's wrath and warned of impending danger if the Jezebel refuse to change.

                  Jezebels are everywhere today, they are in church, schools, governments and every facet of life. Their roles are to manipulate and control the leadership of the organization for their own selfish gains and interests which is usually at the detriment of others. As a leader it is your duty to recognize the activities of Jezebels in your organization and refuse to be under their control. You belong to everyone and not to a person or group of people. Jezebels mission are to ruin organizations for their own betterment. To tolerate a Jezebel is to sit on a gun powder. Get the Jezebel out before he gets you out or render you incapacitated. 

            The pastor of the church in Thyatira came under serious rebuke for tolerating Jezebel in the church. As a leader you are responsible for all that happen in your domain. Take responsibility, act, and flush out that Jezebel before he get you out of your position. Jezebels are not easy to get out because they have tentacles in all the units of an organization. Attempt to get them out by force may get you into crises  if you do not carry Christ along. Remember that it took a Jehu anointing to get rid of Jezebel. To get a Jezebel out tarry in the LORD's presence until you get the "Jehu anointing" that waste Jezebels. After getting the power you launch out and get rid of that Jezebel. God will not do it for you, you have to act and confront that Jezebel in prayer and corresponding actions. 

Abolanle Oladipupo 

11th November, 2020