Friday, November 13, 2020

Is God your father


               The Lord's prayer begins with "Our father who hath in heaven". A good number of Christians and non Christians can recite this model prayer offhand. A critical look into the word father as used in the text will give us a better understanding of how to pray. The word father is translated from the greek word "pater" which means parent - father. This connotes that  father as used there means biologically related. An ideal father is committed to his children needs. A ideal father listen to his child, A ideal father protect, care and nurture his child.

                Many prayers are unanswered because God is not the father of those praying to him. If you are not related to God through Jesus Christ and separated from your sins. God will not listen to your prayer. He hears you but he is only committed to the needs of his children. God is light and all good things you may ever think of is from him but he is only committed to the needs of his children. The cannanite woman cried to Jesus for the deliverance of her daughter from demonic possession. Jesus replied " It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs" miracles, wonders, deliverance are inheritance of God's children.

          If God is your father, whatever you ask in his name he will do it for you and if he does not give you have a confidence that he desires what is best for you and he will give you in his own time. Prayer is meant to be a communication between us and God just like a father-child relationship. It is an aberration for you to use prayer as a tool to get God to do something for you.prayer is not meant to be a tool but a means of communication between a father and a child. That is why so many people resolve to other gods when their needs are not met. They are quick to forget that we are worshiping God for who he is. A child who ask his father for a gift and the father does not give him will not disfather him if truly he is his father. God know his children, his children also know him but Is God your father? 

Abolanle Oladipupo

13th November, 2020 

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