Wednesday, November 18, 2020



                     The word of God is life and Spirit. It is by his word we are saved and for us to remain in him we must abide in his word till it become spirit and life in us. The word of God is not greater than his name. The word of God is his name. His word is powerful and sharper than two edged sword. The word of God should be like a rivers of water in us flowing from us to believers and non believers. For us to continually be a source of water to others we need to stay connected to our God which is the source. A river that forgets his source will surely dry

             The Apostle in his writings to the church said we should crave for the word of God like a new born baby crave for breast milk. (1 Peter 2:2) This verse will make more sense if you visit a nursing mother or opportune to be where a baby is being nurtured. New born Babies crave for milk zealously and aggressivel with maximum concentration. They will not take their mouths from the breast until they are satisfied. The moment they are hungry, they cried for the milk and suck again till they are satisfied. The craving is neccesary because the breast milk have natural nutrients that makes the child grow and boost his immunity against sickness and diseases. If we crave for the word of God the way new born babies crave for milk, we will grow to become like Christ in our thoughts, actions and behaviors. The word of God is the only sure weapon that can protect us from the tricks and snares of Satan.

                  Growing in Christ is a voluntary decision that requires great level of discipline to do away with every form of distractions that may want to hinder us from getting to study the word of God deeply. Studying the word of God may not be easy but you have to be strong and approach it as a matter of life and death. How? The word of God is life without the word of God you will die spiritually. If you do not want to die spiritually, you have to crave for the word of God like a baby daily. It is only by the word of God you can survive in this world. Without the word of God, sin will creep in and distant you from God. Prioritize the word of God in your life and you will be spiritually active, vibrant and radiating God's glory.

Abolanle Oladipupo

18th November 2020 


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