Friday, November 13, 2020



           Few years back while serving as a Children Pastor in a children church. I led them in pastoral prayer and I raised a prayer point that "Father do not let my debtors have peace until they pay all my debts". The children teachers began to pray fervently, the children also joined but behold a boy who drummed for us  changed the prayer point and prayed: "Father let my debtors have peace of mind so that they can pay all my debts" I was angry within me, tapped him from the back and told him why did he changed the prayer point and he explained "if he does not have rest of mind how will he be able to pay my debts". This didn't go well with me , I scolded him to pray the prayers as I raised it without altering it. 

    Few days later while meditating in my closet, The Holy Spirit told me expressly that you were wrong but the little boy was right. I was dumbfounded in the spirit and felt bad for scolding the little child that was right. Sometimes the reason why you are not getting answers to your prayers is that you are praying amiss.probably the reason Jesus's disciples beckoned on him to teach them how to pray. Whatever issues you are facing rely on the Holy Spirit to teach you on how to pray your way into breakthrough.

Abolanle Oladipupo

13th November, 2020 

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