Wednesday, November 25, 2020



              The gospel is the power of God for salvation. This verse may not make sense until you experience the power of the gospel. This remind me of an experience at Ago Iwoye in Ogun state as a student preaching the gospel from door to door about eleven years ago . On that particular day I had preached to several people before gotten to a particular young woman. In the process of preaching the gospel suddenly I discovered that my mouth became bitter. As I continued preaching the bitterness continued till I finished declaring the gospel. The lady got stuck and sobered till I left. I did not understand the meaning until now while reflecting on Romans 1: 16. The gospel is powerful and so many deliverances do take place in the process of declaring the word. Have God told you to witness to someone about him? Do not be afraid step out in faith and he will do the work through you. The gospel itself is a force at work in the lives of those who have yielded themselves as vessels to be used by God to change their world and no power on earth can stop the gospel of Christ. 

Abolanle Oladipupo

21st November 2020 

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