Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Bus became a Bible study class


            God work in various ways and an evangelist need to be sensitive to the wavelength of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes this year I boarded a bus from Apata to Omi Adio. The Holy Spirit told me to witness in the bus, I was a bit reluctant because the bus was full to the brim and there was no ventilation. Since I was sure the Holy Spirit was leading me. I opened my mouth and declared the gospel.

              After the gospel declaration,A middle-aged man raised up his hand that he have a question. I told him to go ahead. He asked his question which was confidential and personal to him. At that moment I didn't know what to say because I didn't expect question. The Holy Spirit told me let people in the bus respond. Before I could respond, about 3 hands were already raised to answer him. To my surprise they answered him perfectly that I just have to affirm all what they have said. The man was happy and satisfied with the responses he received. 

               There are issues in the world and the gospel remain the answer to world's problems. I remain grateful for the opportunity to share the gospel in the bus and witnessing for the first time seeing a public transport becoming an interactive Bible study session.

Abolanle Oladipupo

21st November 2020 

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