Monday, January 18, 2021


 Dear Student! Please read this

        Studentship is a privilege and an opportunity to be maximised for Success in life. There is a time for everything. A time to study, and a time to learn. There is no short cut to learning than to sit down, study and learn. Never waste opportunity to learn because it may be hard for you to get such an opportunity again. Prioritise your learning process and do all possible to come out with good grades. Good success is whatever the outcome of your efforts after putting all your best without compromise. 

        Dear student, your lecturer is your teacher even if you are older than him give him all the respect and honour. He is your master, treat him with honour. No one look down or dishonour his master become great in life. Your lecturer is one of the people you must not offend in life if you want to be great in life. Do not speak ill of him and do not insult him. To insult your lecturer is to limit what you will become in life. Treat your lecturer with love, respect and honour and you will get the best from them.

Abolanle Oladipupo

18th January 2021 


 Dear Lecturer! Please read this

                   Teaching is a noble call to be a blessing to one's generation. It is a double honour to be a teacher. A reward awaits you here and also in eternity. It is a job you can't afford to do anyhow because whatever you do there will come back to be a blessing to your generations or a curse to your generations.

              The joy of a teacher is to see his pupil or student excelling in exams and making progress in life. Examination is not a true test of knowledge but it is one of the tools to know whether knowledge has taken place or not. Some lecturers position themselves as Lords of their courses. Some will say say the A grades belong to me while others belong to you. Some take pride in failing students unknown to them that if their students failed they have invariably failed. Some teachers even say hurtful words like "you don't know anything", "You can't become anything", " I will fail you" About eleven years ago, a student complain about unfair treatment meted to him by his lecturer but the response was if you become a lecturer do likewise to my child. All these words sow seed of bitterness into the lives of the students and these bitterness are transfered from generations to generations.

                Dear lecturer never be a reason why a student fail because failure is like a sore each time the student see the scars his spirit will never be happy with you and this can hinder your success in life. A lecturer should be interested in the success of his student and care about their future. A lecturer should see his students as his own children and care for them in a way he will care for his own children. Whatever good or evil you do in the course of discharging your duties as a lecturer or children remember that your children will also benefit from it.

Abolanle Oladipupo

18th January, 2021

(BSc, Bth) 

Saturday, January 16, 2021



               Alcohol are wines that are intoxicating and have ability to control people that drink it to do naturally what they could not have done. Imagine a drunk man overspeeding into a canal or sleeping in a gutter or having carnal knowledge of his daughter.

                 Certain scholars have submitted that the scripture was not against drinking alcohol but just excessive drinking. So many scriptures have been quoted out of context to suit their claims. The word of God is true and cannot be bend to suit your lifestyle. The scripture forbid alcohol for priests, Kings and Nazirite. Why? Alcohol is tempting and seductive. The best way to avoid it is total abstinence. 

Pro 23:31 Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly! 

               So many people believe that in as much they know their guage they are safed and not sinning against God. You are not wiser than the devil, Noah also knew his gauge but one day he got drunk and his nakedness was seen by his children. Lot also knew his gauge but one day he was drunk by his daughters and he slept with them all. Had Lot and Noah abstained from drinking it could have been difficult for them to fall into such traps. 

                 If you are addicted to drinking alcohol ask God to help you instead of using scriptures to support your drinking habits. Part of the scripture usually quoted by drunkards is Jesus turned water to wine. Go and read the scripture very well, he prayed on it, it was water that was served but the miracle happened when he tasted it and it tasted like wine in the master of ceremony's mouth and I want to believe such wine cannot intoxicate.why? The Greek word used for wine in John 2:3 is Oinos which is of Hebrew origin and if it is of Hebrew origin it is likely to be fruit juice. The Greek word used for wine where it was forbidden in I Timothy 3:3 is  paroinos which means alcohol, strong drinks that intoxicates. Also saying Paul told Timothy to take wine because of his ailments. Do you want sickness that will make you to depend on strong drinks for healing? On alcohol the scripture expressly say No to it and any teaching that says drinking alcohol is not a sin cannot be from God because he is not an author of confusion but rather from the pit of hell. 

                 The time is near, False teachers have been unleashed from the pit of hell, they are famous and influential and their aim is to draw Christians away from the kingdom by diluting the gospel truths and teaching them what they want to hear. Get serious with your God, the scripture said if possible the beloved will be sway away. Read the word of God, study it daily and pray that God should give you fresh insights into his word. If you do not abide in the word, the world will sweep you away from God. 

Abolanle Oladipupo (Bsc, BTh) 

16th January, 2021

Friday, January 8, 2021



                   Church has been on several verbal attacks on the media for collection of tithes from church members. Some even said pastors are spending their tithes. Some pastors too have taken time to have been used to teach sound doctrines to talk about tithe. Tithing should not be a discourse among Children of God. It is an anomaly to be teaching a child of God to pay tithes. It should not be so. Doing so simply means the pastor does not understand his call and purpose. During the pandemic, some ridiculed the church that: "thank God the door of the church is locked no more tithes for Pastor". What an Ignorance? If the whole church refuse to pay tithes , the God that call the pastor will take good care of him. Pastors and other ministers of God are more prosperous in this pandemic than the previous years. This is to tell you that it is you that your tithes is working for and not your pastor. If you pay tithe it is for your own good and not for the good of your pastor.

                Dear Pastor teach your members the sound doctrine of the word, preach the word. The word is spirit and it is the word that gives life and salvation. Focus on the salvation of your members and their spiritual growth. If your members are really saved you will not need to be preaching long sermons on tithing before they give judiciously to the work of God. If they are watered spiritually they will bless you with their substance physically without you asking or preaching it on the pulpit. A growing church does not talk about tithing on the pulpit. As it is of habit of some churches to Psyche members with biblical verses before they can collect tithes from them. Some churches will even collect offering like ten times in a service of two hours. I attended one and I was hearing different kind of offerings that I have never heard before in the service. After paying for the tenth time I refused to drop again. After the service I asked the member how are you coping with these serial offerings. He responded that many of the church members were clever since they know they are paying offering ten to twelve times, they usually drop lower denomination like 10 naira and twenty naira into the offering basket. Religious churches will only produce religious Christians that are clever and smarter than their pastors. Dear Pastor, be interested in their souls, labour in your closets to give them undiluted word of God and they will give more than tithes and offerings.

Abolanle Oladipupo

8th January, 2021 



                  Your location is very important to your fulfillment in life. Whatever you will become in life have something to do with where you are staying. Your location is where you will be blessed. So many people are struggling today because they are wrongly positioned. For every destined location there are destiny helpers waiting for you there. In moment of hardship, economic depression you do not need a prophet to tell you to relocate where  basic needs can be met without struggling if you can afford it but before you take that step you have to answer certain questions correctly.

             who is leading you?

Act 17:26 "From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live". 

                 God knows where you will live and you will prosper. Have you sought God about it? What is God saying? Is he committed to lead you on. It is the duty of man to reach out to God and ask him where he will prosper in life. Truly the country is hard, the system is not working and there is no leadership. Things are getting harder by the day but did you know that if God is saying that you should stay here in Nigeria, he will definitely take care of you in a way that is beyond your imagination. You are not alone in this, Isaac was once in such a difficult situation, there was famine in Cannan just like the days of Abraham. He wanted to go back to Egypt where there was abundance of food but God told him to stay. In that same year Isaac planted and reaped greatly in the midst of famine. Our God is a wonderful God, in the midst of pandemic people are changing jobs, buying houses, building houses and buying brand new cars yet there is economic hardship. Do not make your decision based on emotions and common sense. Emotion, common sense and economy reality of the country may fail you. Elimelech made a mistake, he relocated to Moab out of emotions and common sense when Bethlehem the house of food became a house of famine.we did not read that he sought God before making the decision. He got to Moab with his wife and two sons. Everything seems to be rossy until tragedy struck. Elimelech lost his life and his two children. Some will say I am traveling out because of my children so that they can have a better future. Probably Elimelech thought like that too but the two children's lives were lost there. Immediately after the tragedy, Naomi remembered home and by that time there was already surplus in Bethlehem. She knew something was wrong, all she could think of was going back to where she started from. She went with family but came back empty handed if not for Ruth who comforted and stayed with her she could have died of shock. 

                     Not everyone in foreign land that prosper, some are also struggling while things were difficult for some people over there than it was for them at where they were coming from. Some cannot even come back to Nigeria again because their story have not changed. If God is leading you, he will go before you, prosper the work of your hands there and make you great. Before you relocate, seek God's face and do not take a step until he speaks to you about it. God have plans for your life and he is aware of your situation. He is always ready to hear you out and give you instruction on where to stay. 

Abolanle Oladipupo 

7th January 2021 



                There are so many teachings about first fruit offering which is rooted in the old Testaments belief and instructions. It was an agrarian society and Moses commanded that the first fruit offering should be offered to God. It was offered once while the following years they offered tithes only. (Leviticus 23:9-14, Deuteronomy 26:2-4). The instruction was specifically given to them to honour God with what they have and more especially their first toil on the land must be given to the Lord while they receive blessings and continue to tithe the rest. The offerings become necessary so that the priests, poor and widows can be taken care of adequately. 

              In the church of 21st century, so many things have been preached, taught and said about the first fruit offering. Some Pastors and church leaders have exploited church members with the so called fruit offering by working on their pysche and brain washing them with baseless and unfounded scriptures which God is not happy about. Do you need money for a project? Or is there a basic need in the church? God himself knows how to do it without you helping him by raising call for fruit offering and seed offering. I recalled as a corper serving, In Nigeria Christian corpers fellowship, we were taught then that first fruit offering will open ways for you, give you great jobs after service if you can pay it. It was simply a cajole and psychological tactic to defraud and swindle the children of God. Many of us paid it then and we dropped our first allowance to God religiously waiting for God to give us big jobs in big places after graduation. Truly after graduation I can't remember anyone among us then that paid first fruit and got big jobs. It is January again, Pastors are already preaching and psyching members why they should drop their first salary this year for God. Even in the old testament where the first fruit offering was practiced it was only once. Collecting first fruit offering every year is not biblical. Some homes will suffered in February as a result of giving out their first salary to the church. God will honour the word of his servant by blessing them but he is not happy. God is blessing them not because of the first fruit offering they paid but because they honour him with their substance. 

                Pastor find time to teach your members the sound doctrine of the word of God if you do they will give more than first fruit offering. The early Church did not raise fruit offering but they concentrated on the ministry of the word and prayer yet they were greatly blessed physically, spiritually and financially. Be interested in their souls not in their money. Offerings are free will donations, people should not be forced, coax or brain wash to pay first fruit offering. Doing that is evil. Be focused on the ministry of the word and prayer and see how God will bless your ministry beyond your imagination.

Abolanle Oladipupo

8th January, 2021