Friday, January 8, 2021



                There are so many teachings about first fruit offering which is rooted in the old Testaments belief and instructions. It was an agrarian society and Moses commanded that the first fruit offering should be offered to God. It was offered once while the following years they offered tithes only. (Leviticus 23:9-14, Deuteronomy 26:2-4). The instruction was specifically given to them to honour God with what they have and more especially their first toil on the land must be given to the Lord while they receive blessings and continue to tithe the rest. The offerings become necessary so that the priests, poor and widows can be taken care of adequately. 

              In the church of 21st century, so many things have been preached, taught and said about the first fruit offering. Some Pastors and church leaders have exploited church members with the so called fruit offering by working on their pysche and brain washing them with baseless and unfounded scriptures which God is not happy about. Do you need money for a project? Or is there a basic need in the church? God himself knows how to do it without you helping him by raising call for fruit offering and seed offering. I recalled as a corper serving, In Nigeria Christian corpers fellowship, we were taught then that first fruit offering will open ways for you, give you great jobs after service if you can pay it. It was simply a cajole and psychological tactic to defraud and swindle the children of God. Many of us paid it then and we dropped our first allowance to God religiously waiting for God to give us big jobs in big places after graduation. Truly after graduation I can't remember anyone among us then that paid first fruit and got big jobs. It is January again, Pastors are already preaching and psyching members why they should drop their first salary this year for God. Even in the old testament where the first fruit offering was practiced it was only once. Collecting first fruit offering every year is not biblical. Some homes will suffered in February as a result of giving out their first salary to the church. God will honour the word of his servant by blessing them but he is not happy. God is blessing them not because of the first fruit offering they paid but because they honour him with their substance. 

                Pastor find time to teach your members the sound doctrine of the word of God if you do they will give more than first fruit offering. The early Church did not raise fruit offering but they concentrated on the ministry of the word and prayer yet they were greatly blessed physically, spiritually and financially. Be interested in their souls not in their money. Offerings are free will donations, people should not be forced, coax or brain wash to pay first fruit offering. Doing that is evil. Be focused on the ministry of the word and prayer and see how God will bless your ministry beyond your imagination.

Abolanle Oladipupo

8th January, 2021

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