Monday, January 18, 2021


 Dear Lecturer! Please read this

                   Teaching is a noble call to be a blessing to one's generation. It is a double honour to be a teacher. A reward awaits you here and also in eternity. It is a job you can't afford to do anyhow because whatever you do there will come back to be a blessing to your generations or a curse to your generations.

              The joy of a teacher is to see his pupil or student excelling in exams and making progress in life. Examination is not a true test of knowledge but it is one of the tools to know whether knowledge has taken place or not. Some lecturers position themselves as Lords of their courses. Some will say say the A grades belong to me while others belong to you. Some take pride in failing students unknown to them that if their students failed they have invariably failed. Some teachers even say hurtful words like "you don't know anything", "You can't become anything", " I will fail you" About eleven years ago, a student complain about unfair treatment meted to him by his lecturer but the response was if you become a lecturer do likewise to my child. All these words sow seed of bitterness into the lives of the students and these bitterness are transfered from generations to generations.

                Dear lecturer never be a reason why a student fail because failure is like a sore each time the student see the scars his spirit will never be happy with you and this can hinder your success in life. A lecturer should be interested in the success of his student and care about their future. A lecturer should see his students as his own children and care for them in a way he will care for his own children. Whatever good or evil you do in the course of discharging your duties as a lecturer or children remember that your children will also benefit from it.

Abolanle Oladipupo

18th January, 2021

(BSc, Bth) 

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