Saturday, January 16, 2021



               Alcohol are wines that are intoxicating and have ability to control people that drink it to do naturally what they could not have done. Imagine a drunk man overspeeding into a canal or sleeping in a gutter or having carnal knowledge of his daughter.

                 Certain scholars have submitted that the scripture was not against drinking alcohol but just excessive drinking. So many scriptures have been quoted out of context to suit their claims. The word of God is true and cannot be bend to suit your lifestyle. The scripture forbid alcohol for priests, Kings and Nazirite. Why? Alcohol is tempting and seductive. The best way to avoid it is total abstinence. 

Pro 23:31 Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly! 

               So many people believe that in as much they know their guage they are safed and not sinning against God. You are not wiser than the devil, Noah also knew his gauge but one day he got drunk and his nakedness was seen by his children. Lot also knew his gauge but one day he was drunk by his daughters and he slept with them all. Had Lot and Noah abstained from drinking it could have been difficult for them to fall into such traps. 

                 If you are addicted to drinking alcohol ask God to help you instead of using scriptures to support your drinking habits. Part of the scripture usually quoted by drunkards is Jesus turned water to wine. Go and read the scripture very well, he prayed on it, it was water that was served but the miracle happened when he tasted it and it tasted like wine in the master of ceremony's mouth and I want to believe such wine cannot intoxicate.why? The Greek word used for wine in John 2:3 is Oinos which is of Hebrew origin and if it is of Hebrew origin it is likely to be fruit juice. The Greek word used for wine where it was forbidden in I Timothy 3:3 is  paroinos which means alcohol, strong drinks that intoxicates. Also saying Paul told Timothy to take wine because of his ailments. Do you want sickness that will make you to depend on strong drinks for healing? On alcohol the scripture expressly say No to it and any teaching that says drinking alcohol is not a sin cannot be from God because he is not an author of confusion but rather from the pit of hell. 

                 The time is near, False teachers have been unleashed from the pit of hell, they are famous and influential and their aim is to draw Christians away from the kingdom by diluting the gospel truths and teaching them what they want to hear. Get serious with your God, the scripture said if possible the beloved will be sway away. Read the word of God, study it daily and pray that God should give you fresh insights into his word. If you do not abide in the word, the world will sweep you away from God. 

Abolanle Oladipupo (Bsc, BTh) 

16th January, 2021

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