Your location is very important to your fulfillment in life. Whatever you will become in life have something to do with where you are staying. Your location is where you will be blessed. So many people are struggling today because they are wrongly positioned. For every destined location there are destiny helpers waiting for you there. In moment of hardship, economic depression you do not need a prophet to tell you to relocate where basic needs can be met without struggling if you can afford it but before you take that step you have to answer certain questions correctly.
who is leading you?
Act 17:26 "From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live".
God knows where you will live and you will prosper. Have you sought God about it? What is God saying? Is he committed to lead you on. It is the duty of man to reach out to God and ask him where he will prosper in life. Truly the country is hard, the system is not working and there is no leadership. Things are getting harder by the day but did you know that if God is saying that you should stay here in Nigeria, he will definitely take care of you in a way that is beyond your imagination. You are not alone in this, Isaac was once in such a difficult situation, there was famine in Cannan just like the days of Abraham. He wanted to go back to Egypt where there was abundance of food but God told him to stay. In that same year Isaac planted and reaped greatly in the midst of famine. Our God is a wonderful God, in the midst of pandemic people are changing jobs, buying houses, building houses and buying brand new cars yet there is economic hardship. Do not make your decision based on emotions and common sense. Emotion, common sense and economy reality of the country may fail you. Elimelech made a mistake, he relocated to Moab out of emotions and common sense when Bethlehem the house of food became a house of famine.we did not read that he sought God before making the decision. He got to Moab with his wife and two sons. Everything seems to be rossy until tragedy struck. Elimelech lost his life and his two children. Some will say I am traveling out because of my children so that they can have a better future. Probably Elimelech thought like that too but the two children's lives were lost there. Immediately after the tragedy, Naomi remembered home and by that time there was already surplus in Bethlehem. She knew something was wrong, all she could think of was going back to where she started from. She went with family but came back empty handed if not for Ruth who comforted and stayed with her she could have died of shock.
Not everyone in foreign land that prosper, some are also struggling while things were difficult for some people over there than it was for them at where they were coming from. Some cannot even come back to Nigeria again because their story have not changed. If God is leading you, he will go before you, prosper the work of your hands there and make you great. Before you relocate, seek God's face and do not take a step until he speaks to you about it. God have plans for your life and he is aware of your situation. He is always ready to hear you out and give you instruction on where to stay.
Abolanle Oladipupo
7th January 2021
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