Thursday, December 24, 2020



His birth was mysterious

He was destined to be great 

He was destined to be a deliverer 

He was birth by a virgin

He was birth by a poor family 

He was born in a manger 

Nothing to attract one to him

Wise men from the East visited him with gifts 

Herod was destabilised

Many innocent children were killed 

He was taken to Egypt on a rescue mission 

He came back and everything about him was silent until he was thirty 

He began his ministry with power

He healed all form of diseases

His disciples took him for a messiah to rescue them from the Roman empire 

His disciples were planning on who to take juicy positions 

He became so famous that the governors and rulers of the land desired to see him

They planned to make him king but he rejected it

He stopped many wrong practices in the temple where he worshipped 

He never studied under any Rabbi but he was teaching Rabbis 

He made serving God simple

He put a barrier between darkness and light 

He became the light 

Anywhere he turned to there was joy

Devil became angry 

He wanted him dead

His disciple betrayed him

Another disciple denied him

He died a shameful death 

He died in exchange for a die hard robber

His destiny was cut short 

His sun set at midday 

The veil of the temple torn into pieces 

Unknown to the enemy that his death fulfilled his ministry 

In grave, death could not hold him captive 

He is the LORD

Devil was defeated 

Keys of death and hades was collected from him

He rose again to declare his victory 

There were shakings and trembling in the kingdom of darkness 

The battle over the souls of men were lost 

Christ won the battle 

He paid it all with his life 

They attempted to cover up his resurrection with  false stories 

It was too late

He is risen

He ascended in victory 

He sent the Holy Spirit 

Christmas is here again

They came up  with theories why Christmas should not be celebrated 

They have forgotten it is all about Christ 

In Christmas we celebrate his birth 

We reflect whether we are still saved 

We tell others about Christ 

We give to others in need 

Christmas is a season of joy 

We sing of his faithfulness 

We declare his love 

We spread his love till he is known by all

Christmas is for all

Not for Christians 

Not for saints 

It is for all

It is a time to celebrate Christ 

A time to tell the whole world that Jesus is the answer to the World's problem. 

Christmas is all about christ 

Christmas is a time to worship and celebrate Christ in a special way. 

Abolanle Oladipupo 

24th December 2020 

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