Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Tracts Evangelism

   Tracts evangelism 

         This is simply sharing of gospel tracts to people. It seems to be one of the easiest forms of evangelism. Testimonies abound on how tracts have saved souls via reading. As easy as tracts sharing is,It has its own intricacies which must be understood.

              The tracts you are sharing is not an ordinary leaflet. It is word of Christ which is able to save lives. Before you embark on sharing tracts, engage in serious prayers because you are on a spiritual assignment. Sometimes in 2010 while sharing tracts on university campus, right there in my presence the tract I gave out was torn into pieces, a student also confronted me why not share the money you are using to print this gospel tracts. Another student also said give me the tracts at least I will have a leaflet to solve mathematical problems. These and many more you will see in the course of sharing tracts that may provoke you into anger or fight but you must be in control of your spirit. It's a spiritual exercise that must be done in a spiritual way.

                   Finally do not just share a tract like a robot. I used to be like that until I learn my lesson. On that day trekking from my hostel to campus as of my habit I hand over tracts to anyone I meet on the road. On that morning I gave a student tract without saying any word just like a robot. He called me back and scolded me that I don't have manners that at least I should say good morning before giving him a tract. I felt so bad, I apologised, said good morning and he collected the tract from me. Be formal and professional with sharing of tracts. Say good morning how are you doing? Kindly have this tract. Be courteous and many people will collect tract with you from joy. It is rare to repel kindness, stop sharing tracts like robots, be kind with words as you share tracts and you will be surprised to see its great effects.


Abolanle Oladipupo

9th December 2020 

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