Tuesday, December 22, 2020

I almost gave up

                      I almost gave up

      Last week Saturday I was on the street in Ibadan to evangelise. I was very heavy after coming from a wedding ceremony. The Holy Spirit reminded me "it is time to evangelise" as I was relaxing in my living room watching the match between Southampton and Manchester City. I left, went to my prayer room and began to pray for empowerment to carry out the task ahead of me. I stood up after praying and decided to step out and do my masters business. I got to the street revealed to me having trekked for certain minutes. I saw a good number of people but I was not propelled within to share the word of God with them and I was so sure that God revealed the place to me. I was not happy within me, I started thinking within me if I had known I could have finished watching the match and many negative thoughts were going within me. As I was about reaching my house, I heard the Holy Spirit telling me that he was not yet done with me for the day. Being a Prophet I knew my father was up to something. I listened to him and I turned back. He began to lead and I followed until I got to a house. Three young people were infront discussing right there. He told me entered and shared the word with them. For like three minutes I was reflecting on it. I actually entered the house, greeted and shared the word with them. They accepted the gospel with joy and I prayed together with them.

         It is not yet over until it is over. Have you already concluded that 2020 is a bad year. God is saying that it is not yet over until it is over if you do not give up God is able to turn your situation around for the best and you will marvel. Hold on pleasant surprises are coming your way.

Abolanle Oladipupo

22nd December, 2020 

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