Wednesday, December 2, 2020

And the Word met opposition (1)

 And the Word met opposition (1)

             I  was in a car moving from  oko to ogbomoso.The car was coming from Osogbo and almost filled with students. The Holy Spirit prompted me to declare the word. I started to preach the gospel suddenly one man told the driver to stop me from preaching the gospel. I didn't act as if I heard him, I continued to declare the word. Few minutes the guy started shouting" I said stop". Before I knew it he became wild and was about to lay his hands on my neck and stiff life out of me. At this point his hand got stiff. He just couldn't do it. I continue to preach the gospel. After the preaching, I prophetically prayed for them all and their was a resounding amen from all the passengers. The man became more distressed after the prayers.

        Devil is good at opposing the preaching of the gospel but as  a witness or an Evangelist you have to be "headstrong" and "stubborn" in the Lord for you to be victorious over his tactics. The moment you open your mouth to declare the gospel no man should stop you or angels except the God that prompted you to preach because he is the one speaking through you. No matter the opposition the word of God cannot be caged and it will be preached till the ends of the earth.


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