Tuesday, December 22, 2020

" Is Evangelism easy"

                       "Is Evangelism easy?"

                  Last year January during a leadership training organised by Haggai Institute for final year Seminarians. One of the Facilitators asked a question: "Is evangelism easy? All hands were down but I raised my hand up to affirm that Evangelism is easy. The facilitator looked at me as if I was from another world. In his own opinion Evangelism is not easy but as for me it is very easy. Other seminarians were surprised too that I insisted that Evangelism is easy.

         After the seminar, some seminarians cornered me about five that why should I argued with the facilitator that Evangelism is easy knowing fully well that is is not easy. My simple response was that Evangelism is easy because I am not the one witnessing or evangelising to souls but the Holy Spirit in me is the one doing the soul winning business. My own duty is to release myself as a vessel to be used for Evangelism. At this, they were all dumbfounded and began to walk away one after the other.

Abolanle Oladipupo 

22nd December 2020 

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