Thursday, December 24, 2020



          A prophet is usually a mouth piece or oracle of God. He has close relationship with God and have learnt to discern the voice of God. He is sensitive to the leading and wavelength of the Holy Spirit. A prophet can either foretell or fort tell. To foretell is to prophesy and to forth tell simply means to declare the message of God as received from God either via teaching, sermons or exhortation.

        Being a prophet gives you access to information that others may not know. A prophet does not know everything. He only knows what God decides to reveal to him per time. As a result of this he need to constantly depend on him at all times. Reading through the account of the old prophet and the young prophet in 1kings 13:1-34. many things have been said which may not be true. Notable among them was that the Prophet rested when he did not suppose to rest. If he had been on the move the old prophet might not have met him relaxing under the Oak tree. From Jerusalem in Judea territory to Bethel is hours by foot. It is not possible to travel such a distance in a day without taking a rest. What made the young prophet prey to the evil tactics of the old prophet was that he revealed too much information about his mission to the Old prophet. The old prophet only used the information revealed to him as a trap to set him up.

             Dear Prophet it is not everything God told you in the secret place that you must reveal and tell others in the course of ministering to them. Revealing them all may cut your life and destiny short. Only say what God ask you to say. It is not everybody you can pray for, it is not every invitation to minister that you must honour. It is not every minister that can be your friend. Not every prophet in the limelight with big and well known ministry are still prophets of God. Heaven may have rejected them and anyone that associate with them is cursed. 

          Hear this it takes a prophet to bring a prophet down. It takes a pastor to bring a pastor down. It takes an Apostle to bring an Apostle down and it takes a teacher to bring a teacher down. Not all ministers are God's ministers. There are also ministers that have sold their souls for the devil because of fame, wealth and position. Dear prophet be careful of what to say, do not talk too much. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you at all times so that you will not be a victim but a Victor.

Abolanle Oladipupo

24th December 2020 

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