Thursday, December 17, 2020


 The danger of Psychological prayers

       Psychological prayers are prayers informed as a result of the state of mind of the people. Such prayers are usually prayed vigorously because the people feel that the prayers correspond to their situations unknown to them that their pastor have taken advantage of their state of mind. Psychological prayer becomes dangerous to the church if the pastor do not longer seek God's face to hear from him on what to pray for. The pastor assumed that he already know the situation of his members. Another danger of psychological prayer is that it leads to syncretism. There are so many prayer points that are based on African traditional practices which does not have scriptural basis.Another danger of Psychological prayer is that it produces religious Christians with shallow faith and can easily be driven away when storm arises. 

          It is not a problem to understand the psychology of your church members it becomes an issue if you are relying on that alone without depending on the Holy spirit in the course of interceding for them and leading them in a public prayers.

           The act of praying is spiritual and without fire of the Holy ghost it becomes a physical activity. So many public prayers in Revivals and weekly prayers are full of manipulations. People should not be coerced to pray. Give them the word of life and before you raise prayer points they are already praying to God with a zeal that cannot be explained. Failure to labour in the word before revival meetings will lead to psychological and manipulative prayers.

Abolanle Oladipupo

17th December, 2020 

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