Saturday, October 31, 2020



Nigeria, our valued and esteemed country

A country born out of interests

A land blessed with  human and earthly resources 

A country made of nations with diversity in culture and language. 

A country that some have sacrificed their lives for her well being but yet still sick

A country groaning in pains from corruption, poverty and bad leadership 

A country suffering in the midst of abundance 

Oh my country rise up! 

She cannot rise 

She has been sucked dry by her enemies 

She is fainting and gasping for breath 

She is bleeding but her leaders seem not to care

They are milking her and she is groaning in pains 

Prophets are sounding calls for her rescue

Her lovers are crying 

Her leaders are seeing call to rescue as threats to take the leadership from them

Oh my country when will you have peace? 

When will banditry stop? 

When will corruption stop? 

When will nepotism stop? 

When will terrorism stop? 

The country of our dream is no longer safe

Dogs are killing lions

Baboons have hijacked the aircraft 

Baboons cannot fly 

Her pilots are wailing 

The country is stagnant 

The country is deteriorating 

Her economy is retrogressing 

Decaying while still breathing for life 

Worms of police brutality are coming out 

Worms of bad governance 

Worms of injustice 

Worms of unemployment 

Worms of epileptic power supply 

Worms of bad roads 

Worms of poor social amenities 

Worms of poverty 

Worms of bad health care system 

Worms of poor education system 

Worms of electoral malpractices

Her youths are wailing: "End police brutality" 

Their cries were seen as revolution to take over the government 

Her youths were killed 

They were killed for asking for a better governance 

The worms are not the problem

The worms are as a result of a desease 

The disease of bad governance. 

The system is favoring and benefiting few at the expense of the masses. 

Her youths want the country that works 

Her youths want a country where a child of nobody can become somebody 

Her youths want a country that meet basic needs of life 

Oh my country Arise! 

Will she make it? 

Her well wishers are saying reform and make it work for all

The cries are met with deafening silence 

Her dying condition is profiting her enemies 

Her enemies do not wish her well

Her lovers want her to be healthy and benefit all

Her enemies paraded themselves as her lovers 

They are killing her gradually yet they do not want her to die

Her death will not profit them but they keep doing what will kill her. 

How long will this tussle last? 

Oh my Country ! 

My heart cries for you 

We wish you get well but your enemies are stronger than you 

Oh God of creation arise

 Intervene before the labour of our heroes becomes vain. 

Abolanle Oladipupo (BSc, BTh ) 

31st October, 2020

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