Thursday, December 24, 2020



His birth was mysterious

He was destined to be great 

He was destined to be a deliverer 

He was birth by a virgin

He was birth by a poor family 

He was born in a manger 

Nothing to attract one to him

Wise men from the East visited him with gifts 

Herod was destabilised

Many innocent children were killed 

He was taken to Egypt on a rescue mission 

He came back and everything about him was silent until he was thirty 

He began his ministry with power

He healed all form of diseases

His disciples took him for a messiah to rescue them from the Roman empire 

His disciples were planning on who to take juicy positions 

He became so famous that the governors and rulers of the land desired to see him

They planned to make him king but he rejected it

He stopped many wrong practices in the temple where he worshipped 

He never studied under any Rabbi but he was teaching Rabbis 

He made serving God simple

He put a barrier between darkness and light 

He became the light 

Anywhere he turned to there was joy

Devil became angry 

He wanted him dead

His disciple betrayed him

Another disciple denied him

He died a shameful death 

He died in exchange for a die hard robber

His destiny was cut short 

His sun set at midday 

The veil of the temple torn into pieces 

Unknown to the enemy that his death fulfilled his ministry 

In grave, death could not hold him captive 

He is the LORD

Devil was defeated 

Keys of death and hades was collected from him

He rose again to declare his victory 

There were shakings and trembling in the kingdom of darkness 

The battle over the souls of men were lost 

Christ won the battle 

He paid it all with his life 

They attempted to cover up his resurrection with  false stories 

It was too late

He is risen

He ascended in victory 

He sent the Holy Spirit 

Christmas is here again

They came up  with theories why Christmas should not be celebrated 

They have forgotten it is all about Christ 

In Christmas we celebrate his birth 

We reflect whether we are still saved 

We tell others about Christ 

We give to others in need 

Christmas is a season of joy 

We sing of his faithfulness 

We declare his love 

We spread his love till he is known by all

Christmas is for all

Not for Christians 

Not for saints 

It is for all

It is a time to celebrate Christ 

A time to tell the whole world that Jesus is the answer to the World's problem. 

Christmas is all about christ 

Christmas is a time to worship and celebrate Christ in a special way. 

Abolanle Oladipupo 

24th December 2020 



          A prophet is usually a mouth piece or oracle of God. He has close relationship with God and have learnt to discern the voice of God. He is sensitive to the leading and wavelength of the Holy Spirit. A prophet can either foretell or fort tell. To foretell is to prophesy and to forth tell simply means to declare the message of God as received from God either via teaching, sermons or exhortation.

        Being a prophet gives you access to information that others may not know. A prophet does not know everything. He only knows what God decides to reveal to him per time. As a result of this he need to constantly depend on him at all times. Reading through the account of the old prophet and the young prophet in 1kings 13:1-34. many things have been said which may not be true. Notable among them was that the Prophet rested when he did not suppose to rest. If he had been on the move the old prophet might not have met him relaxing under the Oak tree. From Jerusalem in Judea territory to Bethel is hours by foot. It is not possible to travel such a distance in a day without taking a rest. What made the young prophet prey to the evil tactics of the old prophet was that he revealed too much information about his mission to the Old prophet. The old prophet only used the information revealed to him as a trap to set him up.

             Dear Prophet it is not everything God told you in the secret place that you must reveal and tell others in the course of ministering to them. Revealing them all may cut your life and destiny short. Only say what God ask you to say. It is not everybody you can pray for, it is not every invitation to minister that you must honour. It is not every minister that can be your friend. Not every prophet in the limelight with big and well known ministry are still prophets of God. Heaven may have rejected them and anyone that associate with them is cursed. 

          Hear this it takes a prophet to bring a prophet down. It takes a pastor to bring a pastor down. It takes an Apostle to bring an Apostle down and it takes a teacher to bring a teacher down. Not all ministers are God's ministers. There are also ministers that have sold their souls for the devil because of fame, wealth and position. Dear prophet be careful of what to say, do not talk too much. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you at all times so that you will not be a victim but a Victor.

Abolanle Oladipupo

24th December 2020 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

" Is Evangelism easy"

                       "Is Evangelism easy?"

                  Last year January during a leadership training organised by Haggai Institute for final year Seminarians. One of the Facilitators asked a question: "Is evangelism easy? All hands were down but I raised my hand up to affirm that Evangelism is easy. The facilitator looked at me as if I was from another world. In his own opinion Evangelism is not easy but as for me it is very easy. Other seminarians were surprised too that I insisted that Evangelism is easy.

         After the seminar, some seminarians cornered me about five that why should I argued with the facilitator that Evangelism is easy knowing fully well that is is not easy. My simple response was that Evangelism is easy because I am not the one witnessing or evangelising to souls but the Holy Spirit in me is the one doing the soul winning business. My own duty is to release myself as a vessel to be used for Evangelism. At this, they were all dumbfounded and began to walk away one after the other.

Abolanle Oladipupo 

22nd December 2020 

I almost gave up

                      I almost gave up

      Last week Saturday I was on the street in Ibadan to evangelise. I was very heavy after coming from a wedding ceremony. The Holy Spirit reminded me "it is time to evangelise" as I was relaxing in my living room watching the match between Southampton and Manchester City. I left, went to my prayer room and began to pray for empowerment to carry out the task ahead of me. I stood up after praying and decided to step out and do my masters business. I got to the street revealed to me having trekked for certain minutes. I saw a good number of people but I was not propelled within to share the word of God with them and I was so sure that God revealed the place to me. I was not happy within me, I started thinking within me if I had known I could have finished watching the match and many negative thoughts were going within me. As I was about reaching my house, I heard the Holy Spirit telling me that he was not yet done with me for the day. Being a Prophet I knew my father was up to something. I listened to him and I turned back. He began to lead and I followed until I got to a house. Three young people were infront discussing right there. He told me entered and shared the word with them. For like three minutes I was reflecting on it. I actually entered the house, greeted and shared the word with them. They accepted the gospel with joy and I prayed together with them.

         It is not yet over until it is over. Have you already concluded that 2020 is a bad year. God is saying that it is not yet over until it is over if you do not give up God is able to turn your situation around for the best and you will marvel. Hold on pleasant surprises are coming your way.

Abolanle Oladipupo

22nd December, 2020 

Thursday, December 17, 2020


 The danger of Psychological prayers

       Psychological prayers are prayers informed as a result of the state of mind of the people. Such prayers are usually prayed vigorously because the people feel that the prayers correspond to their situations unknown to them that their pastor have taken advantage of their state of mind. Psychological prayer becomes dangerous to the church if the pastor do not longer seek God's face to hear from him on what to pray for. The pastor assumed that he already know the situation of his members. Another danger of psychological prayer is that it leads to syncretism. There are so many prayer points that are based on African traditional practices which does not have scriptural basis.Another danger of Psychological prayer is that it produces religious Christians with shallow faith and can easily be driven away when storm arises. 

          It is not a problem to understand the psychology of your church members it becomes an issue if you are relying on that alone without depending on the Holy spirit in the course of interceding for them and leading them in a public prayers.

           The act of praying is spiritual and without fire of the Holy ghost it becomes a physical activity. So many public prayers in Revivals and weekly prayers are full of manipulations. People should not be coerced to pray. Give them the word of life and before you raise prayer points they are already praying to God with a zeal that cannot be explained. Failure to labour in the word before revival meetings will lead to psychological and manipulative prayers.

Abolanle Oladipupo

17th December, 2020 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Tracts Evangelism

   Tracts evangelism 

         This is simply sharing of gospel tracts to people. It seems to be one of the easiest forms of evangelism. Testimonies abound on how tracts have saved souls via reading. As easy as tracts sharing is,It has its own intricacies which must be understood.

              The tracts you are sharing is not an ordinary leaflet. It is word of Christ which is able to save lives. Before you embark on sharing tracts, engage in serious prayers because you are on a spiritual assignment. Sometimes in 2010 while sharing tracts on university campus, right there in my presence the tract I gave out was torn into pieces, a student also confronted me why not share the money you are using to print this gospel tracts. Another student also said give me the tracts at least I will have a leaflet to solve mathematical problems. These and many more you will see in the course of sharing tracts that may provoke you into anger or fight but you must be in control of your spirit. It's a spiritual exercise that must be done in a spiritual way.

                   Finally do not just share a tract like a robot. I used to be like that until I learn my lesson. On that day trekking from my hostel to campus as of my habit I hand over tracts to anyone I meet on the road. On that morning I gave a student tract without saying any word just like a robot. He called me back and scolded me that I don't have manners that at least I should say good morning before giving him a tract. I felt so bad, I apologised, said good morning and he collected the tract from me. Be formal and professional with sharing of tracts. Say good morning how are you doing? Kindly have this tract. Be courteous and many people will collect tract with you from joy. It is rare to repel kindness, stop sharing tracts like robots, be kind with words as you share tracts and you will be surprised to see its great effects.


Abolanle Oladipupo

9th December 2020 

Power pass power

 Power pass power

      Sometimes in 2017 I boarded a bus from Ibadan enroute Ilorin. The Holy Spirit told me to declare the word. I was a bit reluctant and afraid because there were Islamic scholars and clerics in full regalia as passengers in the bus. The more I looked at them the more I became afraid. I decided to look at Christ and I found courage to declare the word of God. In the process of preaching the gospel one of the Islamic scholars flashed me a silver ring. I have never seen such a big ring with quranic inscription on it. As I was preaching he kept pointing his finger to me but to my amazement as he was doing this the anointing of the LORD became so great on me in a way I had never experienced before till I finished the gospel and I prayed together with them as I led some to Christ. After the ministration the Islamic scholar kept looking at his ring as if it had failed him. I smiled within me and tell my self that power pass power.

            The gospel is the power of God and we should not be afraid or ashame to declare the gospel anywhere we find ourselves. Whatever your fears, God is able to quench it if you are willing to allow him preach through you to others. No one can tell the efficiency and power of the gospel in converting souls. Yours is to say it and God's work is to change their hearts.


Abolanle Oladipupo

2nd December, 2020 

The earth is the LORD'S

                 The earth is the LORD'S

               Sometimes in 2016, I was evangelising door to door in ogbomoso Town. On that particular Saturday I was moving and it was as if Holy Spirit was in front and I was following eventhough I have not been to those places before. I eventually entered a stronghold of a Sango man in his full attire and his wife was with him in a relaxed mode. He was very furious to see me in his presence. At that moment too I was scared I did not know that the Spirit of God was leading me there. In his anger he asked me: "who give you the order to come here and did I realise where I am" At that instant the Holy Spirit filled me beyond measure and I replied him that: "The earth belongs to the LORD and the one who owns the earth have sent me to share the gospel with him". He was dumbfounded, shocked and astonished. I declared the word of God to him and prayed together with him for the salvation of his soul.

                  Witnessing to souls require walking together with Holy Spirit the soul winner. Do not wait for him to tell you all the details of what you will encounter before you step out to declare the word of God. If God had told me that I should go to a sango priest, I would have gone on several fastins and prayer but he did not tell me that because I am not the one witnessing but Christ in me. The Holy Spirit is always there to help you each time you find yourself in a difficult situation while witnessing. Just be led by him and he will always give you victories. 


Abolanle Oladipupo

9th December, 2020

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

"Put down your hand, You are not yet a father"

                  "Put down your hand, You are not yet a father"

                  Sometimes in January 2019, I was in Haggai institute leadership training for pastors in the seminary. During the course of the training, one of the facilitators said all fathers in the meeting should kindly raise up their hand and I did. A pastor at the back suddenly tapped me from behind saying: "Pastor Bola put down your hand because you are not yet a father" .

I was dumbfounded and astonished at his response. Many thoughts flood my mind. Having married for about 3 years and my wife had two miscarriages and just two weeks to the time of that meeting she had still birth. I came to that training by faith only to be remembered by a pastor that I am not yet a father. I summoned courage, I kept my hand up and acted as if I did not hear him.

          I got home wounded in my spirit and went on my knees. I cried to God and pleaded for his intervention. Twenty nine months later the Good LORD  answered my prayer and granted me a child. 

              God will not allow his servant to be put to shame. The moment people start using your reproach to ridicule you, God is set to do a miracle. He work with his own clock and not yours. No man can say you will be childless until your end is seen. No man can say you will die without your own house until your end is seen. No man can say you will be a failure until your end is seen. Keep praying without giving up and in his own time he will settle you in a big way. 


Abolanle Oladipupo 

2nd December, 2020 



And the Word met opposition (2)

 And the Word met opposition (2

                Sometimes in 2011 in a car from Ibadan to Ago Iwoye. The Holy Spirit prompted me to preach the gospel and I obeyed. An Islamic scholar was in the bus and started saying you are disturbing me. Kindly stop this. I press on preaching before I knew it he brought out his laptop and began to play certain Islamic recitations at a high volume. I kept on preaching later after about few minutes he began to scream in pains and holding his head. I did not even look at his side I kept on preaching the gospel till I declared the whole message of God and I ministered with a great prophetic anointing in prayer. After the prayers there was a silence even the Islamic scholar fell into deep sleep.

             Devil is a bastard and he is an expert at blocking and resisting the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. It takes the power of God to silent him and overcome him. Whatever the opposition to sharing the gospel, face it and be courageous in the power of the LORD.


Abolanle Oladipupo

2nd December 2020

And the Word met opposition (1)

 And the Word met opposition (1)

             I  was in a car moving from  oko to ogbomoso.The car was coming from Osogbo and almost filled with students. The Holy Spirit prompted me to declare the word. I started to preach the gospel suddenly one man told the driver to stop me from preaching the gospel. I didn't act as if I heard him, I continued to declare the word. Few minutes the guy started shouting" I said stop". Before I knew it he became wild and was about to lay his hands on my neck and stiff life out of me. At this point his hand got stiff. He just couldn't do it. I continue to preach the gospel. After the preaching, I prophetically prayed for them all and their was a resounding amen from all the passengers. The man became more distressed after the prayers.

        Devil is good at opposing the preaching of the gospel but as  a witness or an Evangelist you have to be "headstrong" and "stubborn" in the Lord for you to be victorious over his tactics. The moment you open your mouth to declare the gospel no man should stop you or angels except the God that prompted you to preach because he is the one speaking through you. No matter the opposition the word of God cannot be caged and it will be preached till the ends of the earth.


"He was shocked"

 He was shocked that I was an university student

          Sometimes in 2008, there was a strike and I was at home. I picked up my bible and went to Dugbe Market and I began to witness the gospel from shop to shop. In one of the shops opposite zenith Bank. A man saw me he looked at me, despised me and said: You better go and find job to do, all your mates are in school but you are carrying bible preaching all around. I responded back by dipping my hand into my pocket and brought out my university student identity card and showed it to him.The man was extremely shocked and I left him.

#100billionsouls for Christ.

Abolanle Oladipupo

2nd December, 2020 

The day I was almost lynched (2)

 The day I was almost lynched (2)

                 Last week Saturday I was on the streets of Ibadan preaching the gospel House to house. I entered a street, I began to witness, I witnessed to an old man, he accepted the gospel with joy, asked questions and was willing to repent from known sins as we prayed prayer of commitment together. Immediately after witnessing the gospel I saw a teenager playing with his phone. I walked towards him and began to communicate the gospel with him. Unknown to me that some group of women about seven saw me. One of them who claimed to be the mother of the teenager I was witnessing to came and took the boy away. He said the boy did not need to hear the word of God. I was simply dumbfounded before I knew what was happening she had instigated other women against me that I am a  kidnapper who had come in the guise of a pastor. Within minutes all the women went out to pick up their wards inside. I left there and move to the other street. I saw children about five playing, I joined them and witnessed the gospel to them. Unknown to me that the women from the other street were following me, they disrupted the gospel and forced me out of their area with shouts:" thief!" "Kidnapper!" As I was leaving, men had mobbed me desiring to know my mission in their area, I explained and to my amazement they believed my report and I walked away peacefully without anyone touching me while the woman that led the revolt was still shouting he is a kidnapper get him. I was not discouraged I moved on to another place and declare the gospel and to my surprise again the word of God broke the man's heart and accepted the gospel. From there again I moved to a shop and witnessed the word to two Jehovah witnesses and they also accepted the gospel. 

               Devil hate the gospel and he is in the business of frustrating God's servant. He knows the word of God cannot be frustrated but he can do all he can to frustrate carrier of the gospel. As an Evangelist or witness do not be discouraged even if you are called negative names for gospel sake still go ahead and preach the gospel. The gospel is the light of God in a dark world. No matter the rage of darkness, it can not overcome the light of the gospel. #100billionsoulsforChrist

Abolanle Oladipupo 

2nd December 2020