Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Stop Demarketting the Gospel


        The gospel is simply the message about Jesus Christ. An eternal message, a message of hope, a message of salvation, a message of holiness, a message of glory, a message of repentance, a message of death and resurrection of Christ. A message of joy, a message that changes life, a message that gives a new beginning. A message that heals, A message that break yokes. A message entrusted to Kingdom heralds. The gospel is powerful. It is the message that draw people to the kingdom. Darkness dread the message and strives to render the message inefficient. The kingdom is attack day in, day out but the message is unchangeable. It is a dangling and ever sharpening sword. Violent men arises, unleashing violence against the gospel but they could not overtake the kingdom. To their amazement, the kingdom advances. 

    The enemy engages Demarketing tool, and it seems to be working. Kingdom members are becoming worldly, they are accumulating wealth, hoarding wealth and riches while people surrounding them are poor. They dispute about money and leadership positions. Taking themselves to courts and unbelievers presiding over the affairs of believers. Ministers of God engaging in filthy acts such as adultery, fornication, immorality, corruption and the likes. All these acts is making the gospel unpresentable to an unbeliever. The enemy is keen on making the gospel to lose his power. An unbeliever will say if the gospel cannot save Pastor X from stealing Church funds why should I become a believer.  

Demarketing is real, about 15 year ago, a strong Muslim brother approached me on campus and was kind of bringing up an argument why I evangelized and believe so much in Jesus Christ. I didn’t argue with him, but rather used that opportunity to present the gospel to him. The Holy Spirit convicted him and at the point of changing his mind. He said something “ If truly Christ is the way why do top pastors acquire wealth at the expense of the church. The church members are lacking but the pastor is living large “ He further said: “ I find it difficult to believe that they have Christ because the Christ I read about cannot do that”

The enemy has employed the Demarketing tool in drawing many people from Jesus and it is high time, we repented from all those acts that can make the gospel loose its potency to save and deliver people from darkness. Truly the end time is near and the time is short . The enemy is a roaring like a Lion looking for who to devour. We need to pray for the Holy spirit to shake the church one more time. So that everything that is demarketing the gospel can go away and the truth will stay. This is awakening, a revival when people we see themselves as God sees them and repent from every known sin.

©️ Abolanle oladipupo 

5th October,2024.

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