Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The anointed lout

 The anointed “Agbero”

                 There are power in words. The words of some are powerful probably their tongues are anointed or they are beloved. Anointed are often believe to be people that are religious and morally inclined. My experience sometimes in April this year was an exception. I took a motorcycle to a destination and the rider alighted to buy four sachets of dry gins. (Pelebe ) He opened one to drink. I asked him why going on dry gin while driving. He told me that I would understand later. Few minutes , he alighted at a junction, hailing the union man who controlled the axis. He handed the three sachet gins to him and the man began to pray for him immediately he sipped the gin. I was watching the drama, at a point he stopped and told me that I should not look down on him but rather say amen to his prayers though I may be a pastor but God answer his prayers. He further told me that there is power in gin and the reason why our ancestors used it to pray. I just folded my arms watching him as he continued praying. After his prayers, the motorcycle rider zoomed off, he told me that chairman has been a very nice man and all he needs to do is to buy sachet gins for him and he will blessed him. I eventually got to where I will drop , To my amazement , he told me to give him extra cash. I said for what, he replied, owo adura ti Chairman gba( money for Chairman prayers) I smiled, and replied him that ; “ Chairman prayed for you and not me”.

           Just like a dream, I received thousands of naira as gifts on that day. Wherever I went that day, I was gifted money. I reflected and ruminated on the earlier events in the morning. Could it be a coincidence? Could it be Chairman have an anointed tongue? I also remembered a story I was told of a drunkard who was heavily drunk as of his habit, then a terrible windstorm began, the drunk man just shouted stop in Jesus name and the wind stopped. Is alcohol a spirit? 

              My conclusion is God’s gifts and calling are without repentance. There are so many touts, rogues, smokers, drunkards who carried the anointing of God. Though they are not saved but when they speak, God honours them. Another question for reflection is Can God give sinners spiritual gifts? Yes, have met people who God bestowed gifts of Dreams, whatever they see, come to pass but they are not saved. God is mysterious. His ways are different from out ways and we should learn to show love to all. The terrorist today, can become a pastor tomorrow. Paul terrorised the early Christians, God arrested him and made him a great Apostle. There is no one God cannot use to propagate his works. He said if you keep quiet, I will raise up stones. The stones can be nobody with bad records. Jeremiah said he was anointed from the womb to preach the gospel. There are Jeremiahs who are not yet saved but they are anointed. God have a way of preserving them and will redeem them for his glory.

Abolanle oladipupo 

©️ 29/09/2024

Stop Demarketting the Gospel


        The gospel is simply the message about Jesus Christ. An eternal message, a message of hope, a message of salvation, a message of holiness, a message of glory, a message of repentance, a message of death and resurrection of Christ. A message of joy, a message that changes life, a message that gives a new beginning. A message that heals, A message that break yokes. A message entrusted to Kingdom heralds. The gospel is powerful. It is the message that draw people to the kingdom. Darkness dread the message and strives to render the message inefficient. The kingdom is attack day in, day out but the message is unchangeable. It is a dangling and ever sharpening sword. Violent men arises, unleashing violence against the gospel but they could not overtake the kingdom. To their amazement, the kingdom advances. 

    The enemy engages Demarketing tool, and it seems to be working. Kingdom members are becoming worldly, they are accumulating wealth, hoarding wealth and riches while people surrounding them are poor. They dispute about money and leadership positions. Taking themselves to courts and unbelievers presiding over the affairs of believers. Ministers of God engaging in filthy acts such as adultery, fornication, immorality, corruption and the likes. All these acts is making the gospel unpresentable to an unbeliever. The enemy is keen on making the gospel to lose his power. An unbeliever will say if the gospel cannot save Pastor X from stealing Church funds why should I become a believer.  

Demarketing is real, about 15 year ago, a strong Muslim brother approached me on campus and was kind of bringing up an argument why I evangelized and believe so much in Jesus Christ. I didn’t argue with him, but rather used that opportunity to present the gospel to him. The Holy Spirit convicted him and at the point of changing his mind. He said something “ If truly Christ is the way why do top pastors acquire wealth at the expense of the church. The church members are lacking but the pastor is living large “ He further said: “ I find it difficult to believe that they have Christ because the Christ I read about cannot do that”

The enemy has employed the Demarketing tool in drawing many people from Jesus and it is high time, we repented from all those acts that can make the gospel loose its potency to save and deliver people from darkness. Truly the end time is near and the time is short . The enemy is a roaring like a Lion looking for who to devour. We need to pray for the Holy spirit to shake the church one more time. So that everything that is demarketing the gospel can go away and the truth will stay. This is awakening, a revival when people we see themselves as God sees them and repent from every known sin.

©️ Abolanle oladipupo 

5th October,2024.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Absalom: The King Israel never had

 Absalom: The King Israel never had

A good looking man

Described as the most handsome man on earth

He was intelligent, smart and a outstanding leader

He hated injustice

He could not tolerate evil done against his sister

He took law into his hands

He assassinated his brother in a cold blood 

He critically observed his father's government

He addressed the weaknesses of his father's government

He formed a forum to interact with the people 

He coined a leadership style that appealed to the people

He consistently met the needs of the people

He became man of the people

As powerful as Joab was

He brought him to his knees without combat

What could have attracted the Kings Counselor to him

The man with the counsel of God

Was he doing it for a revenge?

Was he attracted to Absalom's leadership style?

Absalom slept with his father's concubines in a broad day light

He heeded to Ahithophel counsel

His camp was gathering momentum and support

David almost gave up

This was beyond ordinary

The hand of God was against him

He knew

Nathan's curse was at work

His kingdom was crumbling

At a point where all hope seems to be lost

Mercy spoke for him

Hushai advice prevailed over that of Ahitopel

Ahitopel knew that was the end of his kingdom

He hanged himself

Absalom displayed great leadership skills

He was not authocratic

He listened

He sought advice

He was closed to the people

He knew the people's plight

He led with mercy and passion

Had he been alive

It would have been difficult for Solomon to be king

He was a strong contender for the throne

He was wisdom combined with beauty

David loved him

David was willing to die for him to be the king

God's agenda is different from human agenda

Absalom had the leadership skills

God was not looking for skills

God was not looking for his beautiful qualifications

Was he character flawed?

Obviously yes

His hands were soaked with blood

He murdered Amon

He orchestrated a coup that lives were lost

He slept with his father's wives

His flaws might not be the reason God rejected him as king

No perfect human

We all have our flaws

It was not on record that Absalom had affinity for God

Probably His heart was not right with God despite his qualifications

Spirit of God subdue character flaws

A gifted and talented leader without divine checks are dangerous

In human perspective, Absalom could have been better as a king than Solomon

Absalom was better prepared

He was a man not afraid to lead a war

He had all the qualities but God said no

Only God knows why he chose Solomon as king

Solomon admitted his weaknesses

God qualified him and bestowed on him all he needed to be a king

Absalom knew he could not be the king

He could not wait till his father's exit

He staged a coup

Had God not intervened

He would enforce himself on the people

He would lead them according to his will

The name of God may not be glorified

The work of God for that generation might be put on hold

Obviously the Temple might not have been built by him

The heart of the people might have been turned away from God

He would have been tagged the people's king

He might have pleased the people

But failed God

Men were pleased with Saul's leadership

He always put Men's agenda above God's agenda

He was a men pleaser

He reigned for Forty years

His people so loved him that they became volunteers to monitor his arch enemy 

God did not want a repeat of Saul's era

He stopped Absalom

God worked against him

Till the power he desired consumed him

Oh Absalom

You desired a throne

You desired power

You were capable

You were prepared

You were desperate for power

You were willing 

But you have forgotten

 that it is only God that delegates power

And set people on thrones

 ©️ Abolanle Oladipupo


Saturday, September 24, 2022




        An evangelist is a man with a mission. He is a man with passion and hunger for souls. His primary purpose on earth is to win souls. He is given the mandate to depopulate the Kingdom of darkness. He is a hell razer. He is dreaded by the kingdom of darkness because he has been anointed to preach the gospel that will liberate people from the kingdom of darkness. All ministry gifts are in one way or the other dependent on him. The ministry gifts are interconnected with the purpose of edifying the church. A church that has  the five ministry gifts in operation is blessed beyond measure. To an evangelist, he want all souls to be saved. When he preaches, you will be so touched and broken on the spirit. He exhorts. He called the attention of people to the salvation of their souls. His preaching at times can make you ask yourself :  “am I saved”?  Outstanding Evangelists are men of the word, they are deep in the word and give themselves to word and prayer on daily basis. Evangelist can be spotted by

·        They are people of prayer. It is like praying machine is in them. They pray for hours and cannot just stop praying. It is in prayer they are empowered for the assignment

·        They are burdened to witness to people on a regular basis. They see evangelism as a duty and they do it with zeal.

·        They are not happy when they see people in sins. They call sin by its name. They can’t just look away from people living comfortably in sins. Their joy is to see sinners giving their lives to Christ.

·        Evangelists are well known people in the community because they are identified with the gospel of peace which they preach. Evangelist loves the company of people and are always relating with people. They are loving  and compassionate people.

·        Evangelists are always looking for opportunities to witness. They do not wait for invitations to preach in a church or crusade. At any slight opportunity they present the gospel  on the street, in the car, bus and they do it passionately

·        Evangelist are usually attached to a church. They do not move from one church to another. They have a church where they worship every Sunday and are accountable to the church.

·        Evangelist do not entangle himself with the affairs of this world. He has only one mission and that is to win souls and please his God who has enlisted him into his service.

            An Evangelist is a man of many travails. At times people around him do not understand him. They usually see him as someone that is extreme in his faith. The kingdom matters dominate and burn in his heart. He is concentrated on making heaven and taking as many people as possible along. He cannot cover sins, wherever he is, he is a beacon of light that exposes darkness. He is hated for standing on the truth and speaking the truth at all times. The evangelist does not care if the truth will kill you, he will say it right there. This unique attitude of him earned him a lot of enemies at work and environment. His colleagues in the ministry cannot just tolerate him at times because he is not diplomatic with issues. He usually sees what people call diplomacy as a compromise that will land them in hell. As a result of this he may not have friends even among fellow ministers. Some pastors will say force an evangelist to pastor at least three years, probably he may stop saying some of those things he do say. That is not always true. An evangelist will not even want to pastor a church. His nature will not allow it if he pastor a church, the church may scatter because he cannot just do it successfully. Can you make an Engineer to be a Doctor. This is not possible. This can only be possible if such an Engineer went to medical school and was trained. Though an Engineer, he can still do work of an evangelist. Evangelist that can be forced or accept to pastor a church will be the one that is theologically trained. A lot of errors are committed by an Evangelist who is not theologically trained and we often generalized it as “that is how Evangelist do”. Billy Graham was theologically trained, he pastored for a while before venturing into full evangelical ministry. He pastored well , he was outstanding because he was trained and gave himself to word and prayer. Reinhard Bonkee, a German evangelist was theologically trained, he pastored for three years before venturing into full evangelical ministry.

As an untrained evangelist in the University, I made a lot of errors, I said so many things then which are unnecessary. This earned me unnecessary enemies and hated for no reason. Imagine, leading devotion in the hall, and calling them out that there were lesbians in the hall. You better repent. That sounds too harsh. After theological training, there was a great change, a friend at the University saw me, he was so surprised and could not hide it but confessed “ you are reformed “. Theological training will refined an evangelist. An evangelist without Theological training in a Bible School or seminary is crude and may be toxic. Today only a few knows that I am an evangelist because I have been refined.

           An evangelist greatest problem is discouragement and rejection.

   Discouragement easily sets in. He laboured so much on the field and at times only a few chose to follow him to his church. At times he evangelizes and only a few surrender their lives to Christ. Sometimes no soul at all and this kind of situation makes him discouraged. He pray for people, they get breakthrough but only a few come back to say thank you.  A story was told of an Evangelist who was invited for a open day crusade and no one gave his life to Christ except a little boy. The little boy eventually became a world renowned evangelist. Another Evangelist preached, on the last day, no one came out for testimonies except a man who said God healed him from headache. The evangelist got so mad with God. Few days later he had a migraine, he prayed on it, nothing happened, he remembered how he challenged God for a man God healed of headache in his meetings. He asked God for mercies and God healed him. At times he prays and prays but the situation remain unchanged. People will mock him, call him names and this may dampen his spirit. An Evangelist was once challenged by his church pastor, you keep saying you are evangelizing but how many people have you brought to the church? The Evangelist felt bad, went on his knees and the following week God glorified himself. People came to the church and said evangelist preached to us and we decided to worship in his church.

     Discouragement is like an arrow or dagger in the heart of an evangelist. Discouragement have made many evangelists to stop evangelizing. Some have lost something precious to them, some are not motivated, and some are fainting because reward tarries. Some have prayed for people and those people forget them when they got their breakthrough.

Evangelists are not loved by the people of the world. People can just transfer aggression on them unnecessary for preaching the gospel in public places.  At times he feel lonely with no one to share his burden with. An evangelist can be difficult to understand at times. A few minutes ago he was bubbling in faith, sharing the gospel and suddenly he is lonely, meditating and praying. It is hard for you to understand him, even his fellow ministers can pick up offence against him. He wants to relate with other ministers too but they feel his own is too much. 

     Evangelists are the foot soldiers of the kingdom. This position them as targets for the enemies.  God have  ways of building up his evangelists. They are made in wars which are hard circumstances and situations beyond human understanding.

No matter how the enemy tries, God always make an evangelist to triumph. External battles from the enemy hardly kill an evangelist because God usually back him up mysteriously in such a way that it is beyond human understanding.

Rejection and discouragement is majorly a battle that is hard for an evangelist to win except he learns to build up his faith in God, find his identity in God and encourages himself.  Rejection and discouragement  often leads to depression which can make the health of an evangelist to deteriorates.

           God manifest himself in the ministry of an evangelist just like any other ministry. He usually give him harvest of exploits.  Notable revivals, crusades are spear headed by evangelists. Miracles, healings, deliverance flows like rivers of water in the ministry of an evangelist. Above all  God gives him harvest of souls to the extent that he cannot even know the exact number of souls that have been saved through his ministry. Beyond that, crowns will be given to him in heaven and he will be highly decorated and celebrated. The call to the office of an evangelist is a noble calling that gives God joy in heaven and the host of heaven. Obviously there are problems, an Evangelist see the problem as challenges which he must step on for him to triumph in ministry. He have wounds but God is his healer, strength and comfort. The ministry of an evangelist is a ministry of endurance and suffering. Paul had this to say:


2Ti 4:6 For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure.


 2Ti 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

2Ti 4:8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.


      An Evangelist endured all, he have seen several revelations about heaven. He knows where he is going and he is determined in his mind to take as many people as possible there. He is sure of his crown of righteousness waiting for him, he is sure of mansion waiting for him, he knows that life is not a funfair but battlefield.  He is confident of his faith. He delights in his weaknesses, insults, hardships and persecutions. Why? God’ grace is sufficient for him and he knows that he will keep him strong till the last day. Not all people we call evangelists are evangelists in the real sense of it.  Evangelists have first hand spiritual experience and revelations that you may not believe if they share it with you. They are humble and their watch word is that Christ should be known and make great through them while they are  unknown.  There are very few evangelist in a generation. Evangelists are world shakers. Till today America has not recovered from the evangelistic ministry of Billy Graham. In the scripture only Philip was referred to as an Evangelist. Others do the work of an evangelist but are not evangelist in the real meaning of the actual word. You cannot desire the triumphs, victories, greatness of an evangelist without the travails.  His triumphs are enclosed with pains, suffering and endurance.

©️ Abolanle Oladipupo

24th September 2022







Wednesday, September 21, 2022




       A missionary is a job of dignity and honour. They are emissaries of God in a territory. They are Apostles of God. They carry the burden of the Gospel. They carry the message of the gospel. They combine the ministry of an evangelist and also that of a pastor in a locality. At times they establish new churches in the area where there is none and presides over it. They have a relationship with their flock and in some fields they know  all their members by names. The hosting community usually accord them honour as a representative of God in that domain who have left their comfort for the sake of ministering to their needs. The privileges, benefits, honour can make someone desire to be a missionary. Before you decide to be one  there are reasons why you should not choose to be a Missionary .

       Certain people came to Jesus, they loved his ministry, the way he moved around with accorded respect, dignity, honour , entourage. They wanted to be part of his team. Jesus looked at them and told them reasons why they should not? Let’s look at it  in the scripture

Luk 9:57 As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.”

Luk 9:58 Jesus replied, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”

      Jesus told him that he did not have a home of his own. As wild as foxes are, they have homes even birds of the air have  nests. Jesus had no place to call a home.  Your home is your comfort, where you sleep and refreshes your body. It is your privacy. It is where you retreat to after a long and hectic day.

You should not be a missionary because a missionary does not have a home of his own . He has left his comfort zone to a place that may not provide the comfort he was enjoying where he was coming from.  He is a sojourner there, whatever house he rents or build there will be left someday. He operates a open door, he does not have a full privacy, a member can come in at any time for help or assistance. He cannot switch off his phone. His phone must always be on. If he finds himself in a place without potable water supply, he will drink from the stream the community is drinking from, if the community does not have stable power supply, he will adjust to the system. Jesus told the man the consequences of his decision to follow him. If you will be deprived of your comfort, will you still be a Missionary. The man didn’t respond to Jesus question probably he thought Jesus was living in a beautiful mansion with the comforts of that time.

The another reason why you may not be a missionary is found in Jesus response to another man who he beckoned on to follow him

Luk 9:59 He said to another man, “Follow me.” But the man replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”

Luk 9:60 Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”

Jesus wanted the man to follow him. He saw a missionary in him but he gave an excuse. He wanted to attend the burial, dined and wined with his relatives.  He would also benefit from the shared inheritance of his father. He considered all these before telling Jesus that he had to bury his father first. Paul said in 1Ti 5:6  that:

But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives.

Jesus said let the dead bury their own dead. Anyone who lives in pleasure is worldly and he is dead.  Jesus told him that he is not of this world, let the people of the world celebrate and share inheritance but as for you proclaim the kingdom of God.  Do not be a missionary if you are not ready to prioritize your mission above pleasures. Demas abandoned Paul, he ran away from the mission field. Of which Paul wrote:

2Ti 4:10 for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia.      As a missionary there will be social gatherings you will be invited to, but you may not be able to honour the invitation because you are engaged with the work of the LORD on the field.

    Another reason why you should not be missionary is found in Jesus response to a man that wanted to follow him .

Luk 9:61 Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say good-by to my family.”

Luk 9:62 Jesus replied, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

         Another man wanted to follow Jesus but he insisted on seeing his family first.  He was emotionally attached to his family members. You cannot be a missionary if you are emotionally attached to your loved ones and cannot do away with them.  Do not be a missionary if you cannot excuse yourself from your extended family at times. A missionary at times may not see his extended family for years. Not that he did not want to see them. Who will he leave the flock for? Not that he is not emotionally attached to his friends, family and relatives. He prioritizes his mission above  family ties.

Finally do not be a missionary if you cannot endure suffering. Suffering is part of missionary work. Sufferings are not limited to not having food to eat or money to buy things you want. Sufferings is when you are willing to sacrifice your life for others.  Paul had this to say:

2Co 4:8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;

2Co 4:9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

2Co 4:10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.

Paul was sharing his personal experience on the mission field. He was able to do great exploits for Christ because he was willing to sacrifice his life for the gospel. He did not hold his life back but pour himself into the mission. The outcome was great missionary exploits. Do not be a missionary if you are not ready to suffer for the sake of the gospel. The missionary must be ready to bear the marks otherwise known as scars for Christ. Paul wrote:

Gal 6:17 Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.

Paul gloried in his sufferings because that identified him as an Apostle.

   Some so called missionaries have runaway from their duty posts when the reality of what it takes to be a missionary dawn on them.  Mark run away at a point when the journey was tough, thank God for Barnabas who picked him up, encouraged him and later be of help to  Paul in the ministry. With all these, if you are still willing to be a missionary, You are indeed a missionary and the work of the ministry shall prosper in your hands.

©️ Abolanle Oladipupo

21st September,2022





Tuesday, September 20, 2022



            God’s work done in God’s own way do not always lack provision but he will use people. No mission can run without finance. There is always a need to be met on a mission field. If there is a fertile ground, you can sow into, it is mission field.  Our idea of a mission field is a place where people are suffering and starving. This at times affect the way we give in supporting mission field.

       T here is always a call to give to mission but if you must give to mission, kindly give  your best.  Over the years when a call is raise to bring clothes, food and other materials to be used on mission field. I have seen people packing clothes that they cannot even wear, at times missionaries have to burn some of these clothes. How will you carry rags called clothes to mission field. If you must give clothes, go to boutique or stores and buy new clothes. You are giving it to God and God deserves the best.  If you cannot afford to give your best, hold it, God will raise others to do it.  Mission is God’s project and he cannot abandon his work. Men may look away but God will not look away. Why must you think that a pastor in the city should be made comfortable and a missionary in the village should not have access to the same comfort and luxuries like the missionary in the village. Why must you always think that Missionaries must suffer?  Comfort is relative. You can always make where you are comfortable. Paul spoke so well of the Church in Macedonia. They took great care of him and there was great results. 

Whatever the state of our mission field today? The church is responsible for it. You keep complaining of that missionary that he is lazy, he complains too much, he is hard, he is adamant, he is bossy. That is what you made of him. A look into the bugdet of some churches suggest that mission is not prioritize.  Mission will thrive if we prioritize it and give our best into it .

God is looking for those that will give their best to support mission .  One of the reasons God made some christians rich is to finance the kingdom. Whatever you have as a child of God does not belong to you? When last did you give your best to a mission Field?  

          Your best is not only your money. It can be your time. When last did you visit a mission field?  Your visit is an encouragement to the Missionaries working there. They are happy when you identify with them. When last did you call a missionary and encourage him on phone? When last did you text that missionary serving in a village?  You have fleet of cars in your garage why must you give a missionary motorcycle and not one of those cars. A missionary deserves to ride on a jeep too.  Mission is a collective efforts if we want our Missionaries to succeed on the field, we must give our best of time, money, possessions to support and encourage them. 

©️ Abolanle Oladipupo

20th September, 2022




         Missions are God’s given assignments to his people to take message of salvation to people that have not heard of it.  The command is to preach the gospel to all nations so that there will not be excuse on that day that I did not hear. There are many places in the world that is still hidden to the gospel of Christ. It becomes imperative that we should take the gospel there. We cannot be comfortable where we are  and there are nations that are closed to the gospel. The gospel you are enjoying today, someone paid the price by bringing it . Some died on the way to Africa, Asia, they did not even get there, some came and died as a result of tropical diseases.  The souls in the unreached parts of the world are crying for salvation on a daily basis but our ears are deafening. Foreign mission is simply taking the gospel outside your country. There are many mission boards and agencies recruiting missionaries across the world. They are ever in need of missionaries because the harvest is plenty but the labourers are few.

          Foreign mission is not something you embark on because you are called to be a missionary. Not all missionaries will serve in a foreign land. Some will serve in home mission fields.  Serving in home missions does not make you inferior to someone serving on foreign missions. There must be a burden for the country you are sure God is leading you into. Souls are won on the knees not on the field. You pray for the people, fast,  thirst for their souls and launch out to witness to them. Hudson Taylor, missionary to china, he prayed: “ Give me China or die” . He was a cobbler, an illiterate but he was so sure that God was leading him there. He did not jump to china, the day he had promptings in his spirit. He prayed severally and prepared himself for the assignment.

       A foreign missionary can either be an independent missionary or an employed staff of a mission board or agency.  An independent missionary is responsible for his upkeep on the field and that of his family. He may have sponsors but he is not accountable to any organization. A staff missionary is working with a mission board, the mission board is responsible for his upkeep and gives report back to the board that enlist him. Either you choose to be independent missionary or staff missionary, you have to prepare yourself spiritually, physically, culturally, emotionally and financially. Do not wait until you get there before you start learning about their culture, dressing and food. Make a research. Understand the people you are going to. Are they educationally or intellectually sound? If they are academically sound , you know you have to develop yourself in that area so that it can enhance your access to them. Either as independent or staff missionary you have to prepare financially. If you are a staff, think of skills that you can acquire that can be converted to money while you are there. Finances can be delayed from the mission board, you should plan on how to sustain your family financially. Generally, some mission boards prefer engaging missionaries that are professional in their fields. Only a few missionaries board can financially sustain all the needs of their missionaries on the field. Almost all the missionaries that came to Africa from America , England, Canada, Italy  are professionals, there are teachers, Doctors, nurses, Theologians, lawyers, business men .  As they are winning souls, they are also receiving income from their secular jobs. Paul was an independent missionary accountable to the church in Jerusalem, he was a lawyer, a writer and also a tent maker. Priscilla and Aquila were tentmakers too. Luke was a Doctor. Paul was able to make great impact because he was not a burden to them. A missionary also prepare his family for the assignment.  Some mission board will not send a missionary without the backing of his spouse and children. It is a collective assignment.

       Finally on foreign missions, God have a way of preparing his people for any assignment. Paul was a Jew but he was born in Tarsus, Turkey the old  Roman empire . This gave him the Roman Citizenship status and gave him the rare privilege and benefits to travel round the Roman empire, stayed there without being charged heavy taxes.  He had a Roman name (Paul), he understood their culture, dressing and language.  God knew he would become a preacher to the Gentile nation even before he was aware and orchestrated his path in that direction.  If you will be a missionary to India, China, Arab, he knows what to do to ensure that you are thoroughly prepared for the assignment.  God will do his own to make you fit for the assignment. You also have to prepare yourself for the assignment.

©️ Abolanle Oladipupo

©️ 20th September,2022