Thursday, December 26, 2019

Sometimes in April this year on my way to ogbomoso from Oko, I boarded a car coming from osogbo to ogbomoso.As my custom, I declared the gospel, at a point I began to plead with them to accept Jesus Christ, repent from sins and allow Jesus to Lord over their lives as I led those who accepted Jesus in prayer of confession and in the process of praying and ministering deliverance to round off the preaching process, the rear tyre burst on speed, I was shocked because it was exactly five minutes ago when I said nobody knew what will happen in the next five minute. To God be the glory nobody was hurt but the amazing thing was during the period of replacement of tyre and when we continued the journey we are all in sober mood reflecting on the word of God. God is not an originator of evil but he works in all situations to glorify his name. #onebillionsoulsforchrist

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